Monday, September 26, 2011


Iran: Clashes with repressive security forces in West Azerbaijan Province
According to reports, the residents of Ghole Rahsheh village near Sradasht  in West Azerbaijan Province (northwestern Iran) clashed with repressive State Security Force units in protest to the murder of one resident. One of the SSF agents on September 21st shot and killed Ahmad Satari on suspicion of having illegal goods. Protesting this crime, the villagers closed the village road and clashed with the SSF forces that intended to open the blockade, leading to the destruction of one SSF vehicle.

A mixed party was raided on Thursday night, and a young life ended
According to reports the Khorasan Police raided a mixed party and arrested 4 boys and 4 girls. One of the Girls for unknown reason fell off the balcony and died on impact. The police claims that the young women was attempting to escape arrest by jumping off the building. Iranian regime under the Isalmic law forbids mixed sex gatherings and imposes heavy sex segregation in Iranian schools, universities and other public places.

UN Experts Condemn Hanging of 17-year-old Alireza MollaSoltani
Four United Nations experts condemned the public execution by hanging of a 17-year-old AlirezaMolla Soltani. “We are outraged at the execution practice in Iran despite the international community’s and our repeated calls for a moratorium,” said the experts recalling that three juveniles have been executed in public so far this year in the country, according to reliable information. The UN Special Rapporteurs on Iran, on summary executions, on independence of the judiciary and on torture stressed, that “any judgment imposing the death penalty upon juveniles below the age of 18, and their execution, are incompatible with Iran’s international obligations.” In 2011 alone, over 200 people have been executed in Iran, the majority of whom were charged with drug-related offenses. It is widely accepted that the death penalty is an extreme punishment, and exception to the right to life, and that it may only be imposed for the most serious crimes. “We, however, regret that execution is common practice for people charged with drug-related offenses, which do not amount to the most serious crimes.” In most cases brought to the Special Rapporteurs’ attention, there have been concerns regarding fair trial safeguards and access to a lawyer and families. “We reiterate this clear message to the Government of Iran,” said the human rights experts, “to immediately implement a moratorium on the death penalty particularly in drug-related and juvenile cases.”