Sunday, December 04, 2011


UK embassy attack orchestrated by Iranian regime
Al-Arabiya reported on Dec. 1st that the storming of the British embassy in Tehran was not staged by a group of students expressing their indignation at UK policies, but was rather orchestrated by the Iranian authorities, sources said on Wednesday. Al-Arabiya added: according to the sources, the attack was planned under the auspices of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and supervised by Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, the commander of the Basij paramilitary forces. Photographs that depicted the attack on the embassy showed that a special force affiliated with the Basij, in addition to the other regular Basij troops, took part. Other photos revealed that members of al-Quds brigade also took part in the attack. The sources added that two official channels broadcast the storming of the embassy live. The channels were Press T.V. and al-Alam News Network, both directly controlled by Khamenei. According to the sources, no official channel is allowed to broadcast anything live without obtaining Khamenei’s permission.  All Iranian diplomats left Britain on Friday after being expelled in protest at the storming by Bassijies of the British embassy in Tehran, a government spokesman said. Hague had given Iran’s diplomats 48 hours to close their embassy and leave the country, following the storming of two British diplomatic compounds in Tehran on Tuesday. Britain has also evacuated its diplomats from Iran and closed its embassy following the attacks, which Hague said could not have happened without the Iranian regime’s tacit consent. The attack on British Embassy came after the Iranian parliament voted on Sunday to expel the British ambassador and reduce trade relations with Britain in retaliation for UK-led sanctions against Iran’s banking sector. According to Associated France Press, France is to pull out part of its diplomatic staff from Tehran following the ransacking of Britain’s embassy this week. The European Union piled pressure on the Iranian regime following the attack, beefing up sanctions Thursday over Tehran’s nuclear program and threatening to hit its oil and finances next. The hope of the Iranian regime was that the west would back off sanctions against the mullahs which back fired. The international community strongly condemned the attack on British Embassy in Tehran.

Canada encourages the Iraqi government to extend the Camp Ashraf closure deadline
In an open Session at the parliament in response to Scott Armstrong’s question: Can the Minister of Foreign Affairs please inform the House our opinion on what’s going to happen at Camp Ashraf and our acts on this important file?  Mr. John Baird responded: Canada encourages the Iraqi government to extend the closure deadline to allow remaining residents efficient time to take up required steps to seek asylum and to allow the United Nations Human Rights Council to consider and process applications. We call on Iraq to meet its obligations under international law. We also want to ensure that Camp Ashraf residents are not forcibly transferred to another country where they could suffer. I can assure the House that my officials and I will be monitoring the situation very closely. 3400 Iranian unarmed residence of Camp Ashraf are under siege and possible attack from the Iraqi forces. They have been recognized as refugee seekers by the UN but the Iraqi government refuses their status and is planning to transform them in different locations inside Iraq by the end of Dec. In April 2011 the Iraqi forces attacked the unarmed residence of Camp Ashraf killing 36 and wounding many more. A similar attack in 2009 by the Iraqi forces ended the lives of 11 Ashraf residents. Nouri Maliki Iraq’s prime minister is expected to visit Barak Obama on Dec. 12, 2011 and Iranians are preparing for a huge demonstration in Washington Dc in front of the white house. They are seeking postponement of relocation of Ashrf residents and protection from USA.

Officials extend political prisoner Reza Jushan’s sentence
Committee in Defense of Political Prisoners announced on Dec. 1, that the Political prisoner Reza Jushan who was arrested after the 2009 elections, has been sentenced to another year of prison for a new case. He was transferred to the special security cellblock in Rajayi Shahr Prison in Karaj. This political prisoner’s last sentence was due to end in late October but he was taken to Evin on orders of security and judicial officials in early September with the aim of bringing new charges against him… Mr. Jushan suffered serious ailments in the past two years due to very hard conditions and mental and physical torture by security and judicial agents. On the last instance on August 3, he suffered a heart problem and did not receive any kind of medical attention.

A Kurdish carrier froze to death in a solitary cell after being arrested by the security forces in Iran
Harana reported that according to reports from Javanroud, security forces arrested 24 year old Hashem Nazari on Wednesday November 23 on charges of carrying fabric. He was detained in a solitary cell in the Javanroud Detention Center. After five days, a prison guard found his lifeless body in the cell. The Javanroud forensics doctor said the cause of his death was extreme cold and lack of medical attention.