Around 680 Ashraf residents
are ready to move to Liberty
According to former agreements with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General (SRSG) and the Government of Iraq, 58 trucks were to be allocated to transferring the belongings and the equipment of every 400 resident.'
Mrs. Rajavi added, 'According to a letter sent by the SRSG before the sixth convoy moved to Liberty on August 28, the transfer of 21 trucks carrying the belongings of this convoy has to be prioritized and Iraqi officials should not obstruct the transfer of all the items mentioned in the SRSG letter, particularly the generators required for pumping water to Liberty.'
Mrs. Rajavi expressed the hope, as pointed out in the State Department’s statement, that the United States will take the appropriate measures in order to resolve the essential humanitarian issues such as water, electricity, minimum construction, and the transfer of the passenger and utility vehicles necessary for the residents’ daily life, and also to support their safety and security particularly that of the last convoy which will move to Camp Liberty on September 12.
Iranian regime's state
media distorted Mursi’s speech
Two prisoners die due to
Iranian regime's inhumane treatment
According to Harana two prisoners in the cities of
Bandar-Abbas (southern Iran ) and Zahedan (north eastern Iran ) lost their lives due to the inhumane behaviour of
the Iranian regime's officials.
Mozzafar Dadi, 24, who had spent half of his one-year prison term, was attacked and severely beaten. He died from severe internal bleeding in Bandar-Abbas prison.
Siavosh Touri suffered a heart attack and lost his life because the regime’s prison officials refused to transfer him to the prison clinic. His fellow inmates urged the prison guards to take him to the hospital, but they received no reply. He died in Zahedan prison.
Mozzafar Dadi, 24, who had spent half of his one-year prison term, was attacked and severely beaten. He died from severe internal bleeding in Bandar-Abbas prison.
Siavosh Touri suffered a heart attack and lost his life because the regime’s prison officials refused to transfer him to the prison clinic. His fellow inmates urged the prison guards to take him to the hospital, but they received no reply. He died in Zahedan prison.