Iranian Regime’s
suppressive mobilization to confront spreading protests

Ahmad Karimi Esfahani, one of Khamenei’s plain-clothed club-wielders’ leaders in Bazaar, called Wednesday demonstration, “provocations by elements coming from outside Bazaar who seek to stir up conditions in Bazaar.”
Ahmad Reza Radan, head of Kahrizak death camp and one of the main perpetrators in suppression of 2009 uprising, asked the “SSF headquarters” to “confront saboteurs”.
Despite a heavy presence of Khamenei’s security
forces and plainclothes agents in Tehran , strikes and protests continued into Thursday. Iran ’s state-run news agencies cited a regime official in
Tehran ’s Bazaar wrote, “Security forces alongside Bazaar
Bassij forces will provide security in the Bazaar.”
This official claimed the Bazaar has returned to its normal status while admitting to 30% of the bazaar stores being closed.
Another Iranian agent claimed various protesters attempted to take advantage of the Bazaar atmosphere by using large firecrackers and other explosive material, adding security forces had no other choice but to intervene.
This official claimed the Bazaar has returned to its normal status while admitting to 30% of the bazaar stores being closed.
Another Iranian agent claimed various protesters attempted to take advantage of the Bazaar atmosphere by using large firecrackers and other explosive material, adding security forces had no other choice but to intervene.
According to some report Iranian regime arrested 16
people Thursday, accusing them of contributing to the currency crisis plaguing
the country that has triggered protests in the streets.
Those arrested “were the main players in the recent fluctuations in the foreign currency market,” the Tehran Judiciary said in a statement.
The move came a day after riot police worked to disperse protests in the capital’s main bazaar and nearby streets. Demonstrators chanted slogans opposing the regime's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and decrying the skyrocketing cost of basic goods.
The rial’s plummet to historic lows is the result of international sanctions, imposed largely by the United States and the European Union in an effort to pressure Iran to sit down for talks on its nuclear program.
“Our goal has been and remains to persuade the Iranian regime to negotiate seriously in good faith with the international community over its nuclear program, to fulfill its obligations to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to the United Nations and to do so expeditiously,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday. The Iranian regime believes the MEK is behind the resent unrest inIran . The Bazaar was opened with force on Saturday as
promised by the state. Abbas Jafary Dolat Abadi sais 30 people were arrested as the ringleader of the
crisis. Earlier the state run news agencies had reported of the arrest of180
150 young girls and boys were arrested at a mix party
Those arrested “were the main players in the recent fluctuations in the foreign currency market,” the Tehran Judiciary said in a statement.
The move came a day after riot police worked to disperse protests in the capital’s main bazaar and nearby streets. Demonstrators chanted slogans opposing the regime's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and decrying the skyrocketing cost of basic goods.
The rial’s plummet to historic lows is the result of international sanctions, imposed largely by the United States and the European Union in an effort to pressure Iran to sit down for talks on its nuclear program.
“Our goal has been and remains to persuade the Iranian regime to negotiate seriously in good faith with the international community over its nuclear program, to fulfill its obligations to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to the United Nations and to do so expeditiously,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday. The Iranian regime believes the MEK is behind the resent unrest in
150 young girls and boys were arrested at a mix party
Ferydun Aghaie the Somee sara's chief of police said following an
internet invitations sent out for a night party in a wedding chapel in Somee sara
at 11 pm more than 150 girls and boys who did not follow Islamic
regulations and danced in
a coed party were arrested. He added they came from all over Gilan
province and some even from other provinces. The Iranian regime has forbid to throw or attend a coed parties.

Freedom Messenger a Persian news website reported that two Iranian men on October 6 attacked the Iranian regime's consulate in Istanbul-Turkey by Molotov Cocktail. One man named Saeed Sepanta was arrested. As he was guided to get into the police van, a man from the embassy started to take Sepanta's pictures and Mr. Sepanta started to shout at him. It's a know fact that the embassy staff or as known as agents, gather information to pressure the protesters family members inside