Political prisoner, Sattar Beheshti, a brave blogger,
killed under torture in Iran

Sattar Beheshti wrote in his blog for the last time (on Oct. 29, 2012) http://magalh91.blogspot.com.au/ before his arrest:
“Yesterday they threatened me to tell my mother that soon she has to wear black
(mourning) dress, you don’t shut your wide mouth … we do whatever we want ,,,
you must shut up and should not inform otherwise you’d be strangled,
anonymously! … day and night threatening phone calls do not stop … As an
Iranian I say I can not remain silent in the face of all these miseries. I say
that you talk too much and with these incredible nonsense, you have destroyed
the country. I will not remain silent even if it is my death moment. Wherever I
am in the world and whoever the threats come from, it is not important for me.
Guys, close your mouths, do not oppress so we don’t reveal.
… Everyday arrests, torture, prison and mass executions are not
mentioned. They put political prisoners in the worst situation to break them …
they say we would arrest girls and family members. This is their slogan. We
arrest, we torture … why don’t you come down of your rule? … Don’t arrest,
don’t torture, don’t slaughter, then we will not inform. Otherwise not only we
will inform, but also soon your oppressive system will fall on your head … We
must know we are born once and we will depart once, so better to live in
dignity and to die with pride.”
The world is outraged by this brutal and barbaric act and countries
such as Britain , France and US has demanded answers.
Canada should do the same and
strongly condemn this inhumane act by the Iranian regime, immediately. Iranian people
everywhere are angry and flooding the cyber space with Sattar's pictures, showing solidarity
with his family and show their hatred towards the ruling mullahs in Iran .
Long live Freedom