Associated France Press reported, a number of female Air France cabin crew are resisting an airline ruling that they should wear a headscarf while in Tehran, when flights to the Iranian capital resume on April 17, a union representative told AFP on Saturday. 'Every day we have calls from worried female cabin crew who tell us that they do not want to wear the headscarf,' said Christophe Pillet of the SNPNC union, which is asking Air France management to make it a voluntary measure.
It's punishable by Iranian regime's law for women to appear in public uncovered. This goes for other nationalities visiting Iran and the followers of other religions as well.
According to Saudi Gazette April 3rd, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary General Dr. Abdullatif Bin Rashid Al-Zayani on Saturday denounced the barbaric attack against the Beirut office of Asharq Al-Awsat Arabic daily. He described it as a cowardly act that contradicts freedom of the press guaranteed under international law, Saudi Press Agency reported. He expressed his confidence in the capability of the Lebanese security authorities in uncovering the circumstances of this criminal attack, arrest its perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Rouhani’s decision to cancel his state visit to Austria on March 30th saying the reason was a planned demonstration by the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in Vienna that prompted Rouhani to cancel his trip.
Larijani said Rouhani cancelled his trip because Austria ignored Tehran’s request to revoke permission for the rally by the PMOI, the state-run news agencies ISNA and Tasnim reported on Saturday, April 2. Tasnim is the news agency of the regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force.
Supporters of the PMOI scheduled the rally in Vienna for March 30 to coincide with Rouhani’s visit.
Earlier some Austrian newspapers reported that the Iranian regime asked the Austrian government to cancel all the protests, a request that Vienna reportedly denied.
Rouhani had been expected to visit Vienna on Wednesday and Thursday but cancelled his trip at the last minute.
The Iranian protesters last Wednesday urged Austria, other European governments and the European Union to condition their relationship with the Iranian regime on a halt to executions and human rights abuses in Iran.
They pointed out that over 2,300 people have been executed since Rouhani took office in 2013.