A new wave of oppression against women in Iranian Capital-Tehran started on 16 April for improper veiling and “moral” sins. State run Fars news agency reported: Tehran police commander said in addition to Mel veiling the police will deal with noise pollution and unveiling. Iranian regime desires for women to cover up their hair not to wear tight clothing and no make up but women are moving in the opposite direction. According to police in 2013 alone nearly 3 million people have been dealt with by Guidance police on the streets where a significant number of people have been arrested and send to courts.

The Iranian regime on Saturday hanged 3 prisoners in a jail in Rasht, northern Iran, as the European

The trip of Ms. Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to Tehran on Saturday along with 7 EU commissioners for discussions with the regime’s officials on trade and other areas of cooperation was strongly criticized by Mohammad Mohaddessin, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the NCRI who said: “This trip which takes place in the midst of mass executions, brutal human rights violations and the regime's unbridled warmongering in the region tramples on the values upon which the EU has been founded and which Ms. Mogherini should be defending and propagating.”Amnesty International in its April 6 annual Death Penalty report covering the 2015 period wrote: "Iran put at least 977 people to death in 2015, compared to at least 743 the year before."
There have been more than 2,300 executions during Hassan Rouhani’s tenure as President. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran Mr. Ahmad Shaheed, in March announced that the number of executions in Iran in 2015 was greater than any year in the last 25 years. Rouhani has explicitly endorsed the executions as examples of “God’s commandments” and “laws of the parliament that belong to the people.” In Tehran press conference Mogherini did not raise human rights abuses, executions ,censorship, and repression on women.

The protest gathering was held against the dominion of corruption in Iran by the Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization that loads the trucks upon extortion and receiving bribes while favouring the regime’s elements by giving them special privileges and loading their trucks out of the queue. This has resulted drivers having to wait in line for up to 20 days.”
Moreover, the tax department has been adding to the gravity of the situation by imposing various different kinds of commissions and charges through different departments in the government.
Reuters reported on April 15 that the leaders from more than 50 Muslim nations accused Iran on

The leaders, including Hassan Rouhani, have been attending a summit in Istanbul this week of the 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to discuss a such issues as the humanitarian fall-out from Syria's civil war.
"The conference deplored Iran's interference in the internal affairs of the States of the region and other member states including Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, and Somalia, and its continued support for terrorism," the OIC said in its final summit communique.
It also stressed the need for "cooperative relations" between Iran and other Muslim countries, including refraining from the use or threat of force.
Both Turkey, which has assumed the three-year rotating presidency of the OIC, and Saudi Arabia are part of the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State militants in Syria. They are also opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a stance that has put them at odds with Iran, an ally of Assad.
Shi'ite Iran is also allied with the Houthi rabbles in Yemen.

Minoo Khaleghi, a reformist politician and environmental activist, has denied claims about the handshake, which would be illegal under Iran’s Islamic law.
Khaleghi was elected during regime's so called election in February as a new member of the Iranian parliament, (or Majlis), from the constituency of Isfahan, the country’s top tourist destination.
She had been qualified to run, meaning that the powerful guardian council, which vets all candidates, had approved her candidacy. But the controversial body of clerics and jurists has changed its mind, nullifying her votes even though election officials endorsed the results in Isfahan and found no major discrepancy in the counting process.
