Tehran city bus drivers held a rally on Saturday, a day before the International Labor Day to demand their rights and also the release and freedom of political prisoners and labor activists from prisons. The bus drivers and staff were joined by a large number of students in the rally. They raised banners which read: “Arrested workers must be freed,” 'Unions are our inalienable right' and 'A decent wage is our inalienable right.' Suppressive state security forces attacked the gathering minutes after it began and confiscated the banners. The Iranian regime took draconian measures to prevent workers in Iran from holding protests on International Workers’ Day on May 1, but failed.

The Iran regime is under scrutiny for denying political prisoners health care

The health of several Iranian political prisoners who have been denied medical treatment despite suffering from various illnesses are deplorable.
Political prisoner Hadi Qaemi, who is a relative of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) is suffering from various ailments including high blood pressure and prostate cancer in Ward 7 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison . Mr. Qaemi was arrested in 2009.
Iranian Kurdish political prisoner Afshin Sohrabzadeh, 23, who is incarcerated in Minab Prison, southern Iran, is being denied proper medical treatment despite a letter from doctors stating that he needs to be admitted to a hospital outside of prison. He also was arrested in 2009.
Abdolfattah Soltani, a prominent lawyer who previously defended political prisoners and who is now a prisoner of conscience himself in Evin Prison, is said to be denied hospital treatment despite his heart condition, vacillating blood pressure and chronic pain in the back and neck. Iranian Kurdish political prisoner Hassan Farji, 31, in Orumieh Prison, north-western Iran, is awaiting a death sentence. He was arrested in 2011.

Omid's wife told the Guardian that she's been prevented from talking to others and giving interviews and that her cellphone has been taken away and they have appointed guards to watch her. Omid's death sparked a protest on Friday April 29.

Washington times added: The National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI ) released a translated video it says was produced by the Tehran’s Bassij Music House and was shown over several days on state-run television this month.
The selling pitch to youngsters is You will be defending sacred Shiite shrines in Syria and will position yourselves to invade Israel, whose destruction is an Iranian regime priority.
The four-minute clip shows a group of boys in a courtyard, with three of them singing to another boy they are trying to recruit as he watches from a window. The singers are dressed in camouflage and combat boots. On camera, they tie on a cloth headband to complete the warrior look.
“This promotional clip first of all manifests the anti-human nature of the regime which seeks to even mobilize the children of its own loyalists as cannon fodder,” said Shahin Gobadi, an NCRI official based in Paris.
“We monitor the Iranian regime’s state media thoroughly. Our people noticed this on the state media, and then our people were able to download it from one of the regime’s websites.”
The Iranian regime is already sending unconventional fighters to Syria to protect its ally, Bashar al-Assad.