Mr. Azimzadeh had gone unconscious many times in the last days of his hunger strike. Despite his conditions, Hajilou, the regime’s representative in the public prosecutor’s office, has said they will do nothing in the case Mr. Azidzadeh loses his life.
Azimzadeh was on hunger strike protesting the "violation of the fundamental rights of teachers and workers", "their detention and prosecution for bogus reasons" and raising charges such as "acting against security" against labor activists and teachers.
Mr. Azimzadeh, was arrested on November 8, 2015, and was serving a six-year prison sentence in Ward 8 of notorious Evin Prison for engaging in peaceful and legitimate trade union activities.
The key demands of Mr. Azimzadeh and other workers’ union activists is for the authorities to drop the charge of “gathering and colluding to commit crimes against national security” and other national security charges in cases of union activities.

Narges Mohammadi political activist against the death penalty on Sat. began her 5th day of hunger strike. She is protesting interruption of her phone connection with her young twins who recently escaped Iran to join their father.
According to the Woman's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran a billboard by the Revolutionary Guards Corps and Bassij is the masterwork of the regime which bares the images of Batman and Zorro at Tehran's haqqani Expressway. Women committee of the NCRI adds that the IRGC and Bassij forces resorted to a stupid rationale to convince Iranian women to observe the compulsory veil. The billboard reads:
"Have you ever seen Zorro or Batman losing in any battle? NO! Because their covering is complete. So, my sister, observe your veil properly. Signed: Shahid Baghitabar Bassij Base"
The woman committee of the Iranian resistance adds that, one should recommend this complete veil and covering to the Iranian regime's troops in Syria who are suffering heavy casualties these days in defending criminal Bashar Assad.
Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, the Romanian-born Holocaust survivor whose classic “Night” became a landmark testament to the Nazis’ crimes and launched Wiesel’s long career as one of the world’s foremost witnesses and humanitarians, died at age 87. Wiesel was born in Romania in 1928.
At age 15, while pursuing Jewish studies, he and his family were taken by the Nazi's to Auschwitz, where his mother and younger sister died.
Wiesel survived Auschwitz, but was later transferred to Buchenwald, where his father perished. Wiesel was liberated from the camp in 1945. Wiesel was a great friend to the Iranian resistance.
According to Church Central, Christians in Pakistan June 2, the Iranian Christian Maryam Naghash Zargaran (also known as 'Nasim') returned to the women’s ward of Evin prison in Tehran, on Monday June 27. The prosecutor’s office had refused to extend her medical leave, and, when they threatened to seize the family home (in payment of the 350 million toman bond given to secure her temporary release), Maryam submitted herself back to prison.
Naghash Zargaran a Christian convert, served a four year imprisonment on her connection with Christian activities.
Maryam had been released from Evin prison on temporary medical furlough on June 6, following her hunger strike, which she had begun on May 26. Maryam still has a year remaining of her four-year sentence.
Back in 2013, Maryam (Nasim) Naghash Zargaran was hooked by the Iranian authorities. She was actively working with a former Christian prisoner Pastor Saeed Abedini, to assist orphans. She was charged with “acting against national security” and was awarded imprisonment of four years. She started serving her sentence in 2013 in the women’s ward of Evin Prison. Her family revealed that an appeal for a re-trial was refused.
Last week the world witnessed multiple terrorist attacks. On Wed. June 29, 3 gunmen attacked the Istanbul Ataturk air port killing and wounding some 250 people. Iranian regime's forces dispersed the people of Orumiyeh north west of Iran as they were placing flowers at the door of the Turkish consulate to show their sympathy.
On Friday during the attack and hostage taking of a restaurant in Dhaka in Bangladesh at least 22 were killed. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. On the early hours of Sat. July 2nd an armed man attacked a restaurant in a village in Serbia and killed his wife and another woman. He was arrested. Also in central city of Jalalabad in Afghanistan during a terrorist explosion 5 people including 2 civilians a 12 year old child and a 60 year old man were killed and 11 others were wounded. On Sunday July 3rd, a terrorist bombing by ISIS killed 125 Iraqis in Baghdad.