Maryam Rajavi the president-elect of the Iranian resistance described the tape as a historic document and said: The tape recording of Mr. Montazeri’s Meeting with Those Responsible for Mass Executions of Political Prisoners is a Testament to Mojahedin’s Refusal to Surrender and to Regime Leaders’ Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity
Khamenei, whose name is mentioned in the remarks made by the members of the “death commission” in this very meeting, openly declared his support for the mass executions that same year, and in the 28 years since has maintained close ties with the murderous officials who carried them out. He is a mastermind of these atrocities, and must be made to answer to the Iranian people and put on trial, she said.
She added: Mr. Montazeri, himself a founder and ideologue of the principle of velayat-e-faqih (absolute rule of the clergy), emphasizes in the recording, “The Iranian people are repulsed by the velayat-e-faqih” and “later will say that Agha(referring to Khomeini) was bloodthirsty and brutal figure.” His statements attest to the illegitimacy of the ruling regime from the 1980s, to the people’s repugnance towards the velayat-e-faqih, and to the righteousness of the resistance to overthrow that regime. Montazeri’s remarks addressed to the four members of the ‘death commission’ that this massacre was “the greatest crime committed during the Islamic Republic,” and the four officials’ acknowledgement that they were in the process of massacring the Mojahedin political prisoners and planning how to continue this atrocity, leave no room for doubt that the actions of these four men and many other leaders of the regime involved in these atrocities are, by any measure or definition, a crime against humanity.
She added: The international community, therefore, is obligated to bring them to justice. In particular because these four individuals and the others who carried out the massacre of political prisoners referred to in this meeting have, from the beginning of this regime to the present day, held posts at the highest levels of the judicial, political and intelligence . At present, Mostafa Pourmohammadi is Hassan Rouhani ’s Minister of Justice. Hossein-Ali Nayyeri is the current head of the Supreme Disciplinary Court for Judges. And Ebrahim Raeesi is among the regime’s most senior clerics and the head of the Astan Qods-e Razavi foundation (a multi-billion dollar religious, political and economic conglomerate and one of the most important political and economic powerhouses in the clerical regime).
Iranian authorities have intensified their repression of women’s rights activists in the country in the

The Iranian regime hanged Kurdish political prisoner, Mohammad Abdollahi, 35, in Orumiyeh

Central Prison on Aug. 9. He was a native of the city of Bukan. He was accused of Moharebeh or "Waging war against God". Abdollahi was hanged with 5 other prisoners named: Kamran Pouraft, Tohid Pourmehdi, Jabrail Kanaani, Jahangir Razavizade and his wife Parisa Hatami. The couple's child who was living in prison was handed over to her relative before execution.
- In the capital city Tehran, preschool teachers continued their third day of rally in front of the Iranian regime’s Majlis, or Parliament on Tuesday August 9, from 8 in the morning. Protesters came from different cities and called for determination of their employment status. The protests follow more than five years delay by the regime in responding to the teachers’ demands. The regime has each time refused to respond to the rights of teachers and has instead threatened them or acted to expel or suppress them.
- In Mashhad, north-east Iran, on Tuesday, August 9, a group of financial victims of the state-affiliated Pardissian Company rallied in front of the state-run Khorasan newspaper affiliated to the regime’s Astan Qods conglomerate in Mashhad Sadoughi Street.
They protested the lack of coverage by this newspaper about their issues.
- The city of Rasht in northern Iran also witnessed a protest rally of Chuka employees in front of the entrance gate of the company.
Demonstrating workers carried banners reading “Respect workers' rights' and called for an immediate resolution to their excruciating circumstances.
Chuka Company has been closed down for several months under the pretext of repairs and the worker's salaries have not been paid. The protest surpassed its second day.