The final group of Iranian Camp Liberty residents left Iraq on

Exploiting the post-invasion atmosphere in Iraq, the ruling clerical regime did its utmost to destroy the PMOI/MEK. Three massacres at Camp Ashraf, five missile attacks on Camp Liberty, two cases of abduction of residents, and the imposition of a full-fledged eight-year siege, which left nearly 200 residents dead, constituted parts of this inhumane, albeit futile, plan.
The transfer of the PMOI members and regime’s major defeat in this regard, which takes place simultaneous with growing calls seeking justice for 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988, opens a new chapter for the Iranian people and Resistance.
The PMOI/MEK is the main Iranian opposition. Yesterday the Iranian-Canadians with their decorated cars marched the streets of down town Ottawa to celebrate the successful relocation of all the residents of Camp Liberty AKA Prison Liberty to Albania.
The Iranian regime hung 7 prisoners simultaneously on Sat. Sept 10. Also 2 prisoners were hanged in Rasht central prison last Sat. They were identified as A.B 52 and G.P 32 years old. Last week a man named Eynollah Mohammadzadeh was hanged in Vakile Abad prison in Mashhad.
The Iranian regime is planning to amputate the hand of a prisoner in gohar Dasht prison after 18 years of imprisonment. His name is Mohmmad Reza Farahnak and his 12 year sentence was up six years ago but the prison authorities refused to let him free because of his amputation sentence.
According to reports, political prisoner “Behnam Mousivand” has been on hunger strike since Wednesday September 7 in Evin Detention Center located in north of Tehran, Capital of Iran.
He started his hunger strike after being beaten by regime’s agents in ‘common ward’ section of the prison which ended up with a broken head in September 5.
The prison authorities at the Evin prison also transferred political prisoner “Ali Moezzi” to Gohardasht prison for protesting against beating of Behnam Mousivand.
On Monday, September 5, Ahmad Montazeri (The son of the former heir to Khomeini), was summoned and interrogated for the seventh time and eventually charged with acting against national security interests due to publishing his father's audio files revealing new details about the massacre of Iran's political prisoners in 1988.
Ahmad Montazeri wrote in his telegram channel: "Following the publication of audio files of Ayatollah Montazeri regarding the executions in the summer of 1988, Today I was summoned in the clergy Court of Qom, they charged me with acting against national security and asked me to defend myself, I wrote in response that due to citations of numerous legal articles which is unclear for me I do not accept the charges and will respond after consulting with my attorney, then I was released on 700 million Rials (almost $23000) bail and the next appearance date is scheduled for Sept. 7,2016.
Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, a British-Iranian citizen, who has been in jail for the past five months, was sentenced to five years in prison. The verdict was issued on September 6, but Zaghari informed her husband on Friday, September 9, 2016, in a telephone contact from prison.
Her husband Richard Ratcliffe said it is ridiculous to issue a ruling without announcing the charges, and it is tantamount to punishing someone without having committed a crime.
Nazanin Zaghari was arrested on April 3, 2016, as she was about to leave the country. She had traveled to Iran along with her child for a family visit. Her 2 year old daughter Gabriella a British Citizen who is not allowed to leave Iran, remains in Iran under her grandparents care.
On Friday, September 9, 2016, a large group of women and labor activists gathered in Vadi Rahmat Cemetery in Tabriz to pay tribute to the late Shahrokh Zamani, labor activist and political prisoner, who was found dead in Gohardasht Prison, in suspicious circumstances on September 13, 2015. His cellmates found his lifeless body in his bed with bloody mouth and bruised head. Before his death, he had written a note indicating that he had been threatened directly and indirectly by the Dept. of Intelligence. "My death in prison under whatever pretext is caused by the officials."
Activist mothers and relatives of political prisoners managed to hold a memorial ceremony in Tabriz, despite threats of clampdown by the Intelligence Ministry.
According to reports, the Iranian regime’s Security and Intelligence forces violently raided section 5 of Central Prison in Karaj on Tuesday September 7.
The Security and Intelligence forces accompanied by prison guards, brutally beat many prisoners while inspecting and destroying their belongings, and transferred six prisoners to solitary confinements for further interrogation.
The agents also threatened the prisoners of this section, majority of whom are sentenced with death by hanging, that their execution would occur earlier if they do not cooperate.
The security forces have asked prisoners to explain the leakage of news reports on executions in this prison, including that of the 12 prisoners who were hanged at the dawn of 28th of August.
The prisoners of this prison had leaked audio and video documents of sentenced inmates prior to their executions to outside.
The Afghan government is protesting Iranian regime's decision to blindfold Afghans and put them in cages in the center of Shiraz this week.
Nearly two dozen handcuffed Afghan refugees were displayed in a large metal cage in Shiraz the capital of Fars province in Iran. The deputy police chief of Shiraz, Nasser Keshawarz, said the refugees were among some 200 foreign nationals who entered Iran illegally and were arrested. Pictures of the public detention went viral on the internet, drawing outrage from Afghans and human rights activists, and an official diplomatic protest from Kabul.
'Afghanistan's Ministry of Refugees and Returnees strongly condemns this inhumane and humiliating treatment and violation of human dignity of Afghan refugees by the Shiraz city police,' the Afghan government said in a statement.
Roughly 3 million Afghans live in Iran. Most of them settled there after fleeing war and conflict in their homeland, and many lack basic rights and live without a formal status. About 950,000 Afghans in Iran are classified as refugees.
Iranian regime has sent thousands of Afghan refugees, mainly ethnic Shi'ite Hazaras, to Syria to fight alongside forces of Hezbollah and Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard forces in support of the Syrian government. A lot of Afghans have died in the Syrian war.
In an online post, Hazara asked educated Iranians to fight what he termed a systematic prejudice by Iran against Afghan refugees.
In general, Afghans living in Iran try to keep a low profile as to not anger the regime.
'They [Iranian authorities] are very tough on us, and even one of my colleagues got a threatening message to not talk with foreign media about the incident,' Said Afghan journalist Kazem Sharafuddin from Mashhad.