The Iranian regime's police chief Ali Elhami in Dezful in Khuzestan province said 23 teenagers(11 girls and 12 boys) have been arrested in connection with a "private mixed - gender party" held in a garden on Friday, November 4.
He said these boys and girls on the eve of Arbaeen (a religious ceremony in Iran) committed “norm-breaking” by holding a mixed-gender ceremony.
Iranian regime Court punishes protestors to young woman's death
The protesters to the death of Farinaz Khosravani were sentenced to 12-year imprisonment and payment of blood money by the Court of Sardasht,
in the West Azerbaijan Province. They were charged with disrupting public order.
On May 3, 2015, Farinaz Khosravi threw herself off the fourth floor of Tara Hotel in Mahabad to escape rape by an agent of the Intelligence Department, Morteza Hashemivand.
Khosravani was 26 and lived in Mahabad. She had a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences but worked in a hotel. Widespread protests erupted in Mahabad in protest to Farinaz's death where the demonstrators clashed with security forces and smashed the windows.
The Teachers' Community staged a campaign in support of Ismail
Abdi, secretary general of the Teachers' Corporate League, on Friday, November 11.

Ismail Abdi was arrested on November 9, 2016, at his residence and was taken to prison to serve his prison sentence.
In a recent letter sent out of prison, Maryam Akbari Monfared

In the wake of this measure, she has been deprived of her visitation right and is held incommunicado in Evin Prison. On October 17, 2016, Maryam Akbari Monfared sent a letter out of Evin and demanded justice for her siblings – one sister and three brothers – executed in the 1980s. Subsequently, she was deprived of having family visits in prison. She was already deprived of having access to medical treatment. Amnesty International issued a statement on November 3, calling for urgent action on the case of Ms. Akbari Monfared. Yesterday Sat. Nov. 12, the Iranian-Canadians during their weekly protest in front of the Parliament in Ottawa and across from PM office called for Maryam's release.
The Kurdish Political prisoner Hajar Peari 33 years old is deprived of her most basic legal rights. She was banished to Kerman Prison nine years ago.
She was arrested in May 2007 in Naghadeh, Western Azerbaijan, by Intelligence Ministry agents and relocated to the Prison of the Intelligence Department in Orumiyeh after two months.
Ms. Peari spent five months under physical and psychological torture for the alleged membership in Kurdish parties opposing the government and acting against national security.
She was subsequently sentenced to 17 years in prison and banished to Kerman Prison. The young woman is now being detained in the same ward with ordinary criminals and drug smugglers under very harsh conditions.
Students of Tehran's Chamran University staged a protest for the second consecutive night on Tuesday, November 8, at their dormitory against
the plan for imposing the compulsory dress code.
They explained their demands in a statement in which they said, "They firmly oppose the disparaging virtue and veil plans in the dormitories, which violates the students' privacy." The statement concludes, "We will stand up to any attempt by security forces to deal with protesting students."
In a cruel and outrageous atrocity, both eyes of a prisoner were blinded in the Iranian Capital, Tehran on November 8, 2016. Head of Tehran's Prosecution Office, Mohammad Shahriari said the file had been referred to Tehran's Criminal Prosecutor to be implemented and the retribution was carried out on Tuesday, November 8. (The state-run Fars news agency – November 8, 2016)
At least, seven other prisoners in Iranian prisons are awaiting to be blinded.

president of the United States despite most polls suggesting Hillary Clinton ahead. A leaked document published by Buzzfeed on Thursday purportedly shows a who’s who short-list of Trump’s closest Republican surrogates and insiders who would be considered top candidates President-Elect Trump’s cabinet.
The list of 41 names, obtained by BuzzFeed News, covers State Departments, the Attorney General, Office of Management and Budget, White House Chief of Staff, and White House Counsel.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, American lawyer and diplomat John Bolton and Senator from Tennessee Bob Corker were listed as possible candidates to replace John Kerry as the US top diplomat.