According to News max, Jan. 24, US Sens. Marco Rubio, John Cornyn, and Todd Young Tuesday reintroduced the Iran Non-nuclear Sanctions Act to seek strong financial and economic sanctions against Iranian regime's non-nuclear provocations, such as human rights abuses, support for international terrorism, and ballistic missile violations. 'After years of unilateral concessions and flexibility by the previous administration, it's time for the United States to push back against Iran's support for terrorism, the regime's menacing ballistic missile activities and its egregious human rights violations,' Rubio, said in a press release.
USA TODAY, reported Jan. 28, that president Trump said Saturday he is imposing a lifetime ban on administration officials lobbying foreign governments, and a five-year ban on other types of lobbying. He also signed an executive action on Friday denying temporarily entry for 90 days for individuals from: Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Libya and Yemen and 120 days for refugees. Trump said this is to stop "Radical Islamic Terrorist" into US.

Boukan's Department of Intelligence announced that the reason for Neshimal's
arrest is her promotion of the anniversary of the formation of the Republic of Kurdistan.
Student activist Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraee was rearrested by the Revolutionary Guards Corps on Sunday, January 22, while leaving home. She was transferred to the Department of Implementation of the Verdicts at Evin Prison.
Golrokh Iraee was released from the women's ward of Evin Prison on January 3, 2017, after 72 days of hunger strike by her imprisoned husband, Arash Sadeghi. The Prosecutor's Office, however, did not extend Ms. Iraee's leave as it had promised and summoned her back to prison. Arash Sadeghi is on hunger strike again protesting his wife rearrest. Golrokh was arrested for her unpublished story about stoning in Iran. Amnesty international issued a statement about her rearrest on Jan. 25.
On Saturday night, January 21, imprisoned women in Evin prison held a ceremony to condole the firefighters and relatives of the victims of the blaze and collapse of the Plasco Building in Tehran.
The women political prisoners also issued a statement, declaring their willingness to donate blood to the wounded.
Maryam Akbari Monfared, Maryam Olangi, Samira Izadi, Shirin Ershadi, Fahimeh Aarafi, Nassim Bagheri, Elaheh Barmaki, Laila Jaafari, Laila Jama'at, Atena Daemi, Nadereh Rastgou, Azita Rafizadeh, Nazanin Zaghari, Maryam Naghash Zargaran, Mahvash Shahriari, Roya Saberi, Elham Farahani, Fariba Kamalabadi, Noushin Abdol-Baghi, Fatemeh Mossanna, Nargess Mohammadi and Afarin Nissari were among the participants in this ceremony.
The 56-year-old 17-story Plasco Building in downtown Tehran totally collapsed on Thursday, January 19, after the building caught fire.
Five-year prison sentence was finalized for Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe. This was announced by Mohseni Ejeii, spokesman of the Judiciary, in a news briefing on January 22.
Nazanin Zaghari was arrested on April 3, 2016, at the airport in Tehran while returning home to UK from a family visit in Iran along with her 22-month-old daughter. She was transferred to Kerman. Government forces confiscated her daughter's British passport as well. Amnesty International issued a statement on December 19, 2016, on the pressures imposed on this dual-national and the problems created by the Revolutionary Guards to prevent visits by her child.
Mahabad's court held the trial of Kurdish student activist Manijeh Fatehi on Tuesday, January 17, as planned. She was sentenced to four years and one day of suspended jail sentence for having contacts with dissident anti-government parties. Manijeh Fatehi, 23, was arrested in March 2015 at home.
Mahabad is located south of Lake Orumiyeh in West Azerbaijan Province in Iran.
Marjan Davari, researcher and translator, was transferred from the women's ward of Evin Prison to the infamous Shahr-e Ray Prison for women, also known as Qarchak Prison. Davari suffers from severe arthritis in her legs and harsh prison conditions have aggravated her pain. Davari who is 50 years old, has graduated in Graphics from Tehran's Az-Zahra University.
She was arrested at her home on September 24, 2015, in Mehrshahr of Karaj. She was taken to the infamous Intelligence Ministry Ward 209 where she stayed in solitary confinement for three months. During this period, she did not have access to any legal council or lawyer, while being interrogated.
The reason for Ms. Davari's arrest was translation of books about mysticism and metaphysics. She used to teach in an institute called, Rah-e Marefat or the Path of Knowledge.
According to the State-run new agency IlNA, Jan. 21, Dozens of individuals engaged in the modelling business on the internet were arrested in Qazvin. The Prosecutor of Qazvin, Sadeq Niaraki, announced that in meeting with the city's Police security force.
Niaraki added, "The ateliers and studios of these individuals were identified and sealed. We stopped their activities until further notice. At the same time, photographers who attracted girls to the modelling career, were also identified and arrested."
Dirak Khatoon, an all-women's music group, was not allowed to perform in Kermanshah's Ethnic Festival because of women's presence in the group. The group is comprised of a number of female singers and players.
The state-run Mersad website, affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards Corps, announced on January 18, that the group's performance would trample "all moral and religious values".