Arash Sadeghi who's been on hunger strike in Evin prison in Iran for the past 70 days continues his hunger strike. Even though the bail has been set for his imprisoned wife Golrokh Ibrahimi Iraee, the prison authorities refused to release her. Arash Sadeghi's physical condition is reported as dangerous. Many other prisoners are on hunger strike across Iran, as such Saeed Shirzad, Ali Shariati, Mohammad Ali Taheri and a number of his followers and Mehdi Kukhian. Ali shariati who's passed his 60th day of hunger strike reported to be in critical condition.
Manijeh Fatehi, 23 from Boukan, will go on trial on Jan. 17 at the Revolutionary Court of Mahabad, in the Iranian Kurdistan. Manijeh, a student was arrested last March and incarcerated in the detention centers of the intelligence departments of Boukan, Mahabad, and Orumiyeh. She is charged with having ties with
Kurdish opposition parties.

Baha'i woman, Farinaz Mokhtari, was expelled from the Technical and Professional College of Birjand-the capital of the South Khorasan province, Northeastern Iran- because of her religon.
According to reports, Farinaz received a call on December 25th and was told to report to the dean of the college on Dec. 26 but when she did she received papers indicating that she was deprived of continuing her education.
According to a bill ratified on February 25, 1991, by the Iranian regime's Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, Bahaii's are deprived of employment and university education.
Women employees of the major engineering consulting firm, Moshanir, face discrimination and restrictions
According to the instructions of the Ministry of Defense Coop, women are not permitted to work overtimes and are restricted to a limited working hours.
Moshanir is a major electrical engineering consulting firm which used to be affiliated with the Ministry of Energy. However, it was consigned to the Ministry of Defense a year ago. None of Moshanir employees have received salaries since its re-organization.
According to state-run Rokna news agency Dec. 27, Four women and a man were arrested in Mashhad for giving massages to the opposite sex.
Deputy Prosecutor of Mashhad confirmed the report and announced, "We received some information indicating that these people gave massages to the opposite sex. So, the case was referred to the Moral Security Police of Khorasan Razavi Province... After collecting sufficient information about the gang, we obtained a legal warrant to arrest all members of the gang comprised of a man and four other women."
The unemployment rate reached 12.7 percent with a growth rate of 1.8 per cent according to the latest

The unemployment rate among the population of 10 years and older, had 0.4 percent increase in summer compared to spring 2016. This increase has been 0.1 percent for men while it is 2 percent for women. According to the Census Center, 26.6 percent of the men and 50.6 percent of women in the 20-24 age group are unemployed.
A man died after he hung himself from the top of a building in the city of Shaft, Gilan province, northwestern Iran.
Local media reported a middle age man, residents of the city of Shaft committed suicide by hanging

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on Dec. 28 condemned the continuing persecution of journalists in Iran, where four more have been arrested in the capital and the southwestern city of Abadan in the past 11 days. A total of 29 journalists and citizen journalists are now detained in Iran, which is one of the world’s five biggest prisons for media personnel.

Iranian regime prison authorities amputated the fingers of two jailed brothers Faramarz and Majid

Bigham on charges of theft. These hideous measures were carried out in Urmia Central Prison in northwest Iran after they served time behind bars for four and a half years. According to the seretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran Dec. 27, the prison authorities forced dozens of other inmates with similar charges to watch this shocking scene in order to send a message.
Renowned poet, writer and researcher, Pouran Farrokhzad died at the age of 83 Thursday morning, December 29. She had been in coma for several days in the special care section of Iran Mehr Hospital. Her sister, Forough Farrokhzad was one of Iran's greatest contemporary poets and her brother Freydun Farrokhzad, showman was assassinated by the Iranian regime's intelligence agents in Germany in the 1990s. Pouran Farrokhzad wrote more than 30 books, biographies and research papers on Persian poetry.