Jailed British-Iranian national Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe, is in a poor state of mental health in Evin Prison. Her husband Richard Ratcliffe says that despite improvement of her physical conditions, his wife is mentally unstable and depressed. He said his wife has requested to see a psychiatrist in prison.
Nazanin was arrested along with her toddler daughter in March 2016 by the Revolutionary Guards Corps as she was about to depart Iran after visiting her family. She was then sentenced to five years of prison.

Rasht on Saturday, July 1. She was identified as Zeinab Sa’adanlou. They had been transferred to solitary confinement since Thursday, June 29, 2017. Zeinab is the 78th woman to be executed under Rouhani's presidency. The Iranian regime is on another killing spree. On July 8 4 prisoners were hanged in Orumieh central prison, on Friday 2 people were hanged in Maragheh prison, on Wed at least 7 people were executed in Gohardasht Karaj, on Tues a man in Ghaemshahr prison was hanged and two other prisoners were hanged in Urumieh central prison and close to a Gym in public in Torbat Haidarieh. Experts believe that executions are a tool for the Iranian regime to create fear in society.
According to state-run Tasnim news agency July 3, President of Iran’s Bodybuilding Federation said: Female bodybuilders are not entitled to participate in any competitions. Referring to a report about the participation of a women’s power-lifting team, coached by Shirin No-Bahari, in the international competitions in Georgia, Nasser Pour Alifar said: “We have never sent any female teams (for competitions) and we are not planning to do so in the Body Building Federation. We have repeatedly announced that women’s training in this federation is only educational.” “This is not the first time that I am reiterating that Iran’s Body Building Federation does not have any competitions for women, and women are not allowed to take part in any,” he added.
Khamenei’s representative in Mashhad Northeast Iran, Alamol Hoda, said women’s failure to observe the hijab has led to the economic crises in the country. In a video clip distributed on the internet on July 7, Alam-ol Hoda says, “Our economy has been hurt by women and girls who wear leggings!... Careless women who do not fear (the law) and drop their veils, these fearless women have created problems for our economy!” In another news Mehdi Kahe کاهه the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Qom close to Iranian Capital Tehran, announced on July 7, that the plan to oversee “chastity and hijab (veil)” would be stepped up with the help of the Bassij and the State Security Force in Qom.
A teenage girl was shot dead by her brother for resisting against forced marriage. The victim has been identified as Narges Ali Shojaei, 17, from one of the villages of Behbahan (a town in southwestern Iran). Narges had initially committed suicide in the wake of her family’s pressure to force her into marriage with her cousin. Only hours after being rescued from suicide, she was shot three times by her brother. Narges’s funeral was held on July 4 at her residence.
The mother of political prisoner Golrokh Iraee has been threatened with arrest by the Revolutionary Guards Corps’ (IRGC) intelligence agents. In a telephone call to Mrs. Tahereh Iraee, the IRGC officers threatened that she will be arrested if she has any interviews with the media about her daughter’s condition. Mrs. Iraee was interviewed by the media about the pressures in Evin Prison on her daughter and son-in-law, Arash Sadeghi. On October 24, 2016, security forces stormed Golrokh Iraee’s residence, broke into her house and took her away to serve her six-year prison term.
According to state-run ISNA news agency July 7, the head of the Union of Photographers and Cameramen said that the authorized units that work under the supervision of this union are not allowed to send men to weddings to take photographs. “According to the existing laws, wedding photographers necessarily have to be women. All authorized units also follow this rule,” Manouchehr Bastani Moghari said. “Even to show her sample work, the photographers must show them only to the bride and to ladies,” he added.
The official IRNA news agency reported on July 5 that Sadegh Sa’adatiyan, Director General of the Registration of Documents and Properties Organization, said, “The divorce rate in the province has increased 6 percent over the past Iranian year and reached 36,700.” Previously, the state-run Qods website had reported on May 28, 2016 that one-fourth of marriages in Iran end up in divorce. In another words, one couple got separated every 3 minutes and 45 seconds.