On May 30th, Iran's Human Rights organization reported that a woman named Tahereh suspected of murdering her husband may be sentenced to death based solely on Qassameh. The report came from the Iranian national broadcasting website Jamejamonline’s announcement that a woman who was charged with murdering her husband on March 22, 2015, might be sentenced to death based on Qassameh. There is no solid evidence that proves her guilt. Instead, Qassameh, which means "sworn oath", is described as a certain number of people swearing an oath on the Quran. It is used when the Sharia judge decides that there is not enough evidence of guilt to prove the crime but still thinks it is likely that the defender is guilty. The people who swear in Qassameh are not usually direct witnesses to the crime.
In an unprecedented move, a number of Iranian actors and actresses rejected Hassan Rouhani's invitation for a Ramadan dinner, due to political and economical catastrophe in Iran. This act was greatly appreciated by the Iranians in and outside the country.
Forcible marriages are among the most important reasons for young women setting themselves on fire in Kohgilouyeh and Boyerahmad Province, in southwestern Iran.
In a meeting with governemnt agents on May 31, Mohammad Nowrouzi-nia, head of the Education Department of Dishmook in Kohgilouyeh and Boyerahmad Province, said, "The most common reason for girls dropping out of school in Dishmook is early marriage, without considering their emotional and psychological maturity and considering only their sharia age."
Dishmook is the largest and most deprived region in the province; there are no schools in some villages. Poverty and lack of suitable infrastructures such as roads has led families to prevent their children from education. The rate of women's suicide by self-immolation in Dishmook, is with at least one incident happening every three months.
According to Nowrouzi-nia, only 36 (or 8.3 percent) of the 435 teachers in this region are women while 45 per cent of the students are girls. This shortage of women teachers in a traditional region prejudiced against mixed-sex classes makes families prevent their daughters from continuing their education. (The state-run Tabnak website - May 31, 2018)
Yaresan women are held in deplorable conditions in the Qarchak Prison in Varamin. Sepideh Moradi, Sima Entesari, Shima Entessari, Avisha Jalaleddin, Shokoufeh Yadollahi, Maryam Farsiani, Nazill Noori, Maryam Barakouhi, Elham Ahmadi and Sedigheh Safabakht have been detained since February 20, in Qarchak Prison under inhuman conditions.
Ms. Sepideh Moradi suffered injuries in the hand, elbow and fingers while being arrested during the Yaresan protest in Tehran. Her legs got burnt due to security forces’ use of tear gas, the scars of which still remain after three months. Ms. Moradi has been denied medical care.
At the same time, these Dervish women are under pressure for their weekly visitations. Ms. Avisha Jalaleddin was deprived of visiting her young son. Prison authorities hardly accept the items provided for these women by their families and they are forced to buy their needed items at prices two to three times higher from the prison’s store.
Mohammad Sharifi Moghaddam, Secretary General of Iran's House of Nurses, during an interview with the state-run ILNA news agency on May 30, revealed the intolerable pressure and humiliation imposed on women in the nursing profession in Iran. He said "Discrimination is what hurts nurses most. When women nurses face so much discrimination at work, they would rather stay home and quit their jobs. The number of women nurses who stay home is greater than the number of nurses who migrate from Iran. The difference of salaries between nurses and doctors in Iran is unprecedented in the world. There are no accurate figures on the migration of nurses to other countries, but it is estimated to be around 1,000 every year who leave Iran in various forms. The reason is lack of attention by officials of the Ministry of Health."
Sharifi Moghaddam added, "In over 85 per cent of the cases, nurses are insulted or sexually harassed. There are cases where nurses contract tuberculosis, AIDs and Hepatitis for having attended to patients in previous years. Because of shortage of nurses in hospitals, nurses' security is usually not properly observed.
"The salary difference in our country's health system is unprecedented in the world. There is a small difference between the salaries of nurses and doctors in various countries and in Saudi Arabia this difference is only 1.5 folds. But in Iran, the difference ranges from 60 to 70 and even 100 folds."
The relatives of the victims of an accident on the Kiakola Road in Babol, northern Iran, staged an act of protest on Thursday, May 31, and blocked the road. The inhabitants of Kapoul-Chal village and the families of the victims of a road accident held a protest on Kiakola Road against lack of safety and repeated accidents on this road. A considerable number of people lose their lives in road accidents in Iran due to unsafe roads and the government’s failure to attend to this problem.
The Mothers of Park-e Laleh issued a statement, declaring support for the protests of Iran's men and women from all walks of life, calling for abolition of the death penalty for all prisoners. In their statement issued on May 28, the Mothers of Park-e Laleh called on the people of Iran to have unity and solidarity. Their statement reads in part, "The Islamic regime ruling Iran was illegitimate from the beginning. It was conceived with savagery and ruthlessness to destroy people's lives and freedoms. When it grew up, it became uglier and more evil and reproduced more of its kind. The older it gets, it becomes more savage and blood thirsty. The only way to get rid of this demon and its proxies is to have unity and solidarity among free people."
In another part of their statement, the Mothers of Park-e Laleh referred to nationwide protests and said, "In less than one month, there have been numerous savage attacks by government agents on simple protests of people. The trend of oppression and enmity to freedom continues... We, the Mothers of Park-e Laleh emphasize on our demands for justice, for abolition of the death penalty, freedom of all political prisoners, and fair and public prosecution of perpetrators and masterminds of all the crimes committed under the Islamic Republic regime. We hail all advocates of freedom, justice and equality for their steadfastness and perseverance and shake their hands. We stand by them and we march with them to seek justice from the oppressors, to build a humane society devoid of oppression, discrimination and injustice."
According to the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran May 29, along with the escalation of popular uprisings and nationwide strikes, Iranian regime's supreme leader, Khamenei issued a special directive for the deployment of armed units in order to protect state offices and agencies in fear of anger and hatred of the people from the Velayat-e faqih ominous system. According to the IRGC(Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) news agency, the directive `for "Establishment of protection units in executive agencies" that was "approved by the Supreme Commander General, was notified to the relevant authorities to be executed". Velayat-e Fagih is the supremacy of Islamic clergy.

week. They are protesting their unfair wages. This nation wide strike Iran is has been supported by the truck syndicates in Australia, US, Canada and France. The Iranian-Canadians gathered in front of the Parliament Hill here in Ottawa yesterday Sat. June 2 in solidarity with the truck drivers of Iran.
Ma'edeh Shabani-Nejad, 15 years old, who was arrested in January for writing nationalistic and epical poetry in Arabic, remains in detention in Sepidar Prison of Ahwaz, southwestern Iran, because her family does not afford to pay the 350million-touman bail set for her release. Born in 2002, Ma'edeh Shabani-Nejad (Amouri) is a freshman at Reyhaneh High School in Abadan and is a brilliant student. She writes and publishes her work on social media. The first time, Ma'edeh was arrested was on October 17, 2017, when she was freed on bail after completion of her interrogations. The second time, she was arrested in her uncle's house in Ahwaz on January 25 of this year, by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp's Department of Intelligence and transferred to the IRGC detention center. It was reported in late April that Ma'edeh has suffered hemorrhage and stomachache under interrogation.
On Wednesday, May 30, residents of Masjid Yas district in Boukan,

On Wednesday, May 30, on the orders of the Governor of Sarpol-e Zahab in Iran, one of the regions hardest hit by the November earthquake, the water and power of the units belonging to 40 surviving families residing in Shahed Camps 2 and 3 were cut off and they were forced to evacuate the camps in the month of Ramadan. The families are presently homeless, wandering in the streets.
More names of women arrested during Ahwaz the capital of Iran's kuzestan province protested in late March have been made public. According to Women's Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Laila Bervayeh, Ezzat Ka’abi, and Nadia Mohammadipour (Hamidi) are among the women arrested in the late March protests in Ahwaz and presently detained in the Sepidar Prison of Ahwaz. There is no information on their situation. Khadijeh Neasi and Ayesheh Neasi who had been arrested on March 29, were released on 200,000-touman bails on Sunday, May 27,. It has also been reported that Najieh Sharhani (Tarafi) has been released on bail. It is said that 15 women who have been arrested during the protests are imprisoned in the women’s ward of Sepidar Prison.
Iran's National Diyeh (Compensations) Headquarters announced that some 500 women (out of a total 6,500 female prisoners) are detained through Iran for deliberate crimes. According to the State-run Salamatnews May 28, it added: "These 500 women prisoners have committed deliberate crimes. 70 per cent of them are heads of households and have children. Their numbers have increased several folds over the past year, increasing from 100 in 2016 to around 500 in 2017. Most of these women do not have any criminal record and they have been convicted due to financial problems, economic pressures, or guaranteeing their husbands or relatives." Asghar Jahangir, head of the Prisons Organization, also remarked on consequences of prison for families in a ceremony on May 26, saying: "40 per cent of women prisoners do not have any visits and this leads to various mental and psychological problems for them.