Sunday, August 25, 2024


On Wednesday, August 21, nurses across Iran marked the 19th day of protests in Tehran and various cities, including Mashhad, Tabriz, Ahvaz, Rasht, Kermanshah, Isfahan, Dehdasht, Jahrom, Abadan, Marivan, and others. These protests are driven by severe economic hardship, excessive work pressure, and unpaid wages. “Only in the streets can we secure our rights,” “Our power lies in our unity, the result of our hard work,” “Nurse, shout for your rights, cry out for your rights,” “All we’ve heard are promises, we’ve seen no results,” “Costs are in dollars, our wages are in rials,” “Enough promises, our tables are empty,” “We fought COVID, we received no support,” were some of the slogans by nurses that echoed in Iran. These demonstrations continue.


The recent arrests of Kurdish women by Iranian security forces highlight an alarming pattern of repression against Kurdish activists in Iran. These arrests have not only targeted women actively involved in civil rights but also ordinary citizens, raising concerns about their safety and the transparency of their detention. Gelavizh Mohammadi-Arshad in Tehran, Fermisk Babai in Paveh and Manijeh Khoshnoud in Bukan are 3 female activists who have been arrested during the month of Mordad the fifth month of the Iranian Calandar.


Arezou Badri, a 31-year-old mother of two, was shot by Iranian security forces due to non-compliance with mandatory hijab. She is currently in critical condition at Valiasr Hospital in Tehran, where she recently underwent a second surgery on Thursday, August 15, to address pleural effusion.


The Iranian regime continues to intensify its crackdown on political dissent, as evidenced by the harrowing cases of Pakhshan Azizi, Varisha Moradi, and Sarvnaz Ahmadi. These reports detail the severe human rights abuses, including unjust sentencing, prolonged detention, and denial of medical care, faced by these political prisoners within the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran.