Sunday, September 15, 2024


Sadaf Heydari, a student at Tabriz University in Iran, has been sentenced by the university’s disciplinary committee to a two-semester suspension from her studies. The decision was made following a post she shared on her Instagram account regarding the death of Ebrahim Raisi. Shaqayeq Akbari, a PhD student in Political Sociology at Tarbiat Modares University, was sentenced to a four-semester suspension by the Ministry of Science’s central disciplinary committee. The charge against Shaqayeq Akbari involved activities deemed anti-government, which she allegedly carried out through social media posts and an interview with the Ham-Mihan newspaper.


Prisoners Sarvnaz Ahmadi, Parivash Moslemi, and Houra Nikbakht, all of whom are demanding better treatment and the fulfillment of their legal rights as prisoners. Sarvnaz Ahmadi, a children’s rights activist, began a hunger strike on September 7, after Iranian regime officials repeatedly denied her request for medical leave. Parivash Moslemi,  political prisoner in Evin, has been on hunger strike since September 3rd for her inability to contact her family and the prison’s refusal to allow family visits. Houra Nikbakht, another political prisoner in Evin Prison, has also been on hunger strike since September 7, in protest to her limited access to phone calls and visits with her family.


On Saturday, September 7, Sara Deldar, one of the detainees from the nationwide protests of 2022, succumbed to an infection stemming from pellets embedded in her head and body while being treated at a hospital in Rasht. During the 2022 uprising, Sara Deldar was shot by the Revolutionary Guards and security forces while she was aiding the wounded. She was subsequently imprisoned at Lakan Prison in Rasht, in August of 2023, where she endured torture. According to reports circulating on social media, she suffered greatly during her incarceration, but prison staff consistently refused to provide her with proper medical care. In January 2024, after enduring months of suffering, Sara Deldar was conditionally released for medical treatment. However, nine months after her release, she died from complications caused by the untreated infection. For the last six months of her life, Sara had been in a vegetative state. She was only 28 years old.


Yasra Aref, a 25-year-old Afghan national, has been imprisoned in Tehran’s Evin Prison along with her eight-month-old infant since April 2024 in Iran. Detained since early 2024, the mother and child have been subjected to harsh and unsuitable conditions, raising significant concerns about their health and well-being. Yasra Aref and her husband were arrested by the Iranian security forces in Pakistan when their child who was just two months old. Following their arrest, Yasra and her baby were transferred to Iran, where they spent five months in a solitary confinement with a locked window, depriving them of adequate ventilation and sunlight. On August 7, when the child was seven months old, they were moved to the women’s ward of Evin Prison. Despite the transfer, the prison environment remains extremely unsuitable for an infant, exposing the child to various health risks, including malnutrition and psychological stress. No official charges have been brought against Yasra Aref, and she remains in legal limbo, with her fate and that of her child uncertain. Yasra has been denied the right to contact her family. The whereabouts of her husband is not known.