Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today is the 34th anniversary of Overthrown of Shah’s regime and victory of anti-monarchial revolution in Iran.

On February 11, 1979, the anti-dictatorial revolution of the Iranian people succeeded to overthrow the Shah’s regime. On February 10th and 11th 1979, following the uprising in the main garrison of the Air Force headquarters, this garrison and others were taken over by the people, the weapons were distributed among the people and the uprising spread all over Tehran. Other military bases and garrisons were captured by the people and finally the regime of Shah collapsed and was overthrown. Khomeini who had just arrived from Paris and had paid no price for the revolution hijacked its leadership which was the outcome of many years of struggle against Shah’s dictatorship by the progressive groups such as PMOI and chrikhaye fadaie who had sacrificed their lives and endeavors to acquire freedom and democracy. The spirit of revolution is still presence in Iranians and they are determined to overthrow the dictatorship of mullahs from Iran once again and this time they're ready to replace it with democracy.