Sunday, July 21, 2024


The Political prisoner Elaheh Fouladi, held in Evin Prison in Iran, has been deprived of contact and visits with her family by order of the prison’s disciplinary committee since July 6. She is suffering from heart complications and a high heart rate. The prison conditions have aggravated her illness, making it physically unbearable for her to remain incarcerated. Despite her acute physical condition, the prison authorities and judiciary have kept Elaheh Fouladi in prison.


For two weeks now, by order of the authorities at Evin Prison, journalist, and political prisoner Pakhshan Azizi has been deprived of phone calls and in-person visits with her family. The efforts of this Kurdish political prisoner’s family to establish contact and arrange visits at the prison have been unsuccessful, and they are concerned about Pakhshan's health. Pakhshan Azizi, a former political prisoner, and Social Work graduate endured over four months of detainment in the Intelligence Ministry’s Ward 209 at Evin Prison.


Maryam Mehrabi, a teacher imprisoned in Dolatabad Prison in Isfahan, has gone on a hunger strike to protest the psychological pressures, poor physical conditions, and separation from her children. She was moved to solitary confinement some time ago and has been hospitalized in the prison’s medical facility several times.


Nasim Gholami Simiyari, who is accused of armed insurgency (Bagh-ye), remains in Evin Prison without clear legal status despite 425 days having passed since her arrest. She has been in detention for nearly fourteen months. Despite a court session being held on June 30, in Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, no verdict has been issued for her. This prisoner continues to remain in uncertainty in the women’s ward of Evin Prison.

Monday, July 15, 2024

 IRAN NEWS))))))

In a significant bipartisan move, 223 representatives from both the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States House of Representatives have signed Resolution 1148, condemning the Iranian regime’s terrorism, regional proxy wars, and internal suppression, while voicing strong support for the Iranian Resistance. This resolution highlights the increasing threat posed by Iran since October 2023 and calls for robust international action.


On Wednesday, July 10 two sisiters Zohreh and Zahra Dadras, women’s rights activists in Gilan, were arrested by security forces and transferred to Lakan Prison in Rasht to serve their prison sentences. The case involving these two women’s rights activists, along with nine other activists in Gilan named Forough Samii Nia, Sara Jahani, Yasamin Hashdari, Shiva Shah Siah, Negin Rezaei, Azadeh Chavoshian, Matin Yazdani, Hooman Taheri, and Jelveh Javaheri, was referred to the enforcement branch of the Rasht Prosecutor’s Office in the later half of June this year. Other defendants in this case were also summoned by phone to the enforcement of sentences at the Rasht Revolutionary Court and were required to report to Lakan Prison in Rasht by Saturday, July 13.


On Thursday, July 4, Rana Kourkour, mother of 2 children and the sister of Abbas (Mojahed) Kourkour, a detainee sentenced to death from the nationwide protests, was arrested by security forces at her residence in Tehran. She is currently detained at the Pakdasht Intelligence Detention Center. Negar Kourkour, the sister of the detainees, wrote about the charges against Rana: “Last year, due to my sister’s activities on social media, a case was fabricated against her with the accusation of inciting and seducing people to violence and murder. During this period, my sister lived in hiding, but after posting a few comments about the elections, she was found and is currently in the custody of the Pakdasht IRGC Intelligence.”  The IRGC - Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp was recently added to the list of terrorist groups in Canada.


Despite her deteriorating physical condition, the approximately 60-year-old prisoner has been denied hospital transfer and proper medical attention by the Evin Prison authorities. Azar Korvandi (Musazadeh), a former political prisoner the 1980s, has two blocked heart arteries requiring immediate medical intervention. However, her requests for hospital transfer have been ignored by prison officials. Azar Korvandi was arrested in the summer of 2019 on charges of collaborating with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and promoting anti-regime propaganda after holding family counseling sessions in her private garden in Shahriar. She was released on bail then but later convicted in December 2021 by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.


Motahareh Gouneii, a suspended student of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, has been sentenced to one year in prison by the 29th branch of the Tehran Revolutionary Court for “spreading propaganda against the state for the benefit of anti-revolutionary media.” Her offense? Protesting the death sentence of detained Iranian rapper and protester Tomaj Salehi, along with her other writings. However, she was acquitted of the charge of “insulting the leadership and disrupting public order.”

Sunday, July 07, 2024

 IRAN NEWS))))))

Tens of thousands of Iranians gathered in Berlin in Germany last Sat. June 29 in support of the National Council of Resistance of Iran as an Alternative and Maryam Rajvi's 10 point plan. On Sunday and Monday the Free Iran 2024 Summit was held in Paris where dignatories and former high ranking US, Canadian, European and Arab countries participated. Canadian delegation included Stephen Harper, John Baird, Tony Clements, Judy Sgro, Candis Bergin to name a few. John Baird former Minister of foreign affairs highlighted the courage of PMOI-led Resistance Units and the bravery of Iranian women over the past two years, urging Western governments to resist the temptation of accommodation and appeasement, which he described as failed strategies in dealing with the mullahs. He also noted Canada’s recent designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as an international terrorist organization, reflecting a firm commitment to confronting the regime. Baird lauded the determination of both the Iranian people and the international community in their fight against the mullahs, expressing confidence that the regime’s end is near. Mike Pompeo former US secretery, Mike Pence former vice president, John Bolton, and other Amercian personalities attended the summit and gave a speach. 


Sharifeh Mohammadi, a labor activist from Rasht, has been sentenced to death by the Iranian Judiciary on charges of Bagh-ye (armed insurgency). Sharifeh, imprisoned in the women’s ward of Lakan Prison in Rasht (Central Prison of Rasht) for the past seven months, received this sentence on Thursday, July 4, 2024. The verdict was delivered to her husband, Sirus Fat’hi.


Kurdish political prisoner Zeinab Jalalian, who is currently serving her seventeenth year in Yazd Central Prison in Iran, has been facing severe health issues in recent weeks. Zeinab was transferred to the prison’s medical facility due to intense pain in her right side. However, after a general examination, she was returned to her cell without receiving specialized tests or definitive treatment. Despite her persistent health problems, including oral thrush, pterygium, asthma, and kidney and gastrointestinal issues, Zeinab’s requests for transfer to external medical facilities have been consistently denied by the Intelligence Ministry. In June this year, a team from the Intelligence Ministry met Jalalian twice at Yazd Central Prison, demanding that she sign a “repentance letter” drafted by the ministry. The officials assured that her medical treatment and the possibility of parole would be reviewed upon her signing the letter. However, Jalalian refused to sign, asserting her right to medical treatment as a prisoner.


Atefeh Rangriz, a women’s rights and labor activist residing in Damghan, Semnan in Iran, has been arrested again. Prior to her recent arrest, she faced charges related to her activities. According to a report, she was transferred to Shahrud prison on June 29, after being charged by the 1st branch of the Damghan Prosecutor’s Office. In a new case, she is accused of “forming a group with the intention of disrupting security,” “spreading propaganda against the state,” and “spreading lies in cyberspace.” Nasrin Hassani, a journalist, was arrested and taken to prison. She had previously been on leave from Bojnord prison but was arrested on June 28, before the end of her leave days.


Maryam Bayramian, a resident of Tabriz, has been sentenced to two years in prison by the Tabriz Revolutionary Court. The charges against her include “insulting officials” and “acting against national security.”

Sunday, June 30, 2024

 IRAN NEWS))))))

On Sunday June 30, marked the second day of the Free Iran 2024 Global Summit. World leaders, along with lawmakers and human rights activists from across four continents, will address the summit. This event powerfully resonates with the historic ‘No’ voiced by the Iranian people, who boycotted the regime’s sham elections this week, echoing their cry for freedom in Iran. The international event will be broadcast live to Iran, where thousands of PMOI-led Resistance Units and millions of Iranians, who are fed up with the oppressive regime, will watch as delegates from around the world express their solidarity and commitment to effective policy change in their home countries. Against the backdrop of support from 137 world leaders and over 4,000 legislators who endorse the Iranian people’s aspiration for regime change, this event signifies a new resolve to end appeasement with Tehran and to recognize a democratic and free Iran. Thousands of Iranians from all walks of life and from far and near gathered in Berlin-Germany on Sat. June 29 in support of the Iranian resistance National Council of Resistance of Iran and its main group People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran. Canada's deligatgion included: Mr. Stephen Harper, Mr. John Baird, Ms. Judy Sgro,...

Security forces raided the residence of Ms. Mandana Karimi Bakhtiari on June 10, and took her to the women’s ward of Evin Prison in Iran. Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran had earlier sentenced Ms. Karimi Bakhtiari to six years of imprisonment on charges including disseminating “propaganda against the state,” and “assembly and collusion to disrupt national security.” She had been released on bail, but was arrested on June 10, by agents of the office of Implementation of Verdicts in Tehran’s District 33.


Political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared is facing a daunting new challenge as authorities move to seize her family’s property, reports the Sharq News Agency. The Executive Headquarters of Farman-e Imam (Khomeini’s Order) has launched a bid to confiscate her assets. This development comes as Maryam Akbari Monfared nears the end of a 15-year prison sentence set to conclude in December 2024. Her defense lawyer, Mr. Hossein Taj, says: “The principle of ‘the personal nature of crimes and punishments,’ recognized in jurisprudence, Sharia, international law, and the Iranian Penal Code, stipulates that punishment should be strictly individual and should not extend to relatives. We urge the honorable court to reject the headquarters’ claims under Article 49, preserving justice and fairness in the legal process.” Maryam was born on December 14, 1975, and is the mother of three daughters. She was taken to Evin prison “to provide some explanations” at midnight of December 29, 2009, without being able to say goodbye to her daughters. She's been in prison since, without a day of leave. She was incarcerated because she seeks justice for four of her siblings executed in the 1980s. Her sister, Roghiyeh, had a little daughter when she was sent to the gallows among the prisoners massacred in the summer of 1988.


Houra Nikbakht, a university instructor and a renowned women’s rights activist and the publisher and managing editor of “Mashq-e Barabari (Equality Homework)” publications, has been detained in the women’s ward of Evin Prison since June 12. Security forces arrested Houra Nikbakht after she reported to the Prosecutor’s Office of District 33 in Tehran-Iran. She had previously posted her summons on her X account, revealing that she was accused of insulting Ali Khamenei and disseminating propaganda against the state.