Iranian regime closes
Sattar Beheshti’s case

Davatgari, a member of the regime's National Security and Foreign Policy
Commission of the Parliament, told state-run media on Thursday that the reason
for Satar’s death has been written in reports by the commission and this case
can be considered closed.
According to Iran National Television or INTV in abroad March 14, on Sunday, March 10th, prison
officials in Ahvaz informed five prisoners about their death sentences.
The names of these prisoners are: Farzad Hosseini, Ibrahim Mokhtari, Fakher Ka’bi, Adnan Halafi and Ahmad Kan’ani. On a saperate newsINTV reported that the Iranian judicial officials have issued
death sentences for 7 inmates in Yazd , central Iran . The inmates have been told their execution is
The names of these prisoners are: Farzad Hosseini, Ibrahim Mokhtari, Fakher Ka’bi, Adnan Halafi and Ahmad Kan’ani. On a saperate news
Iranians defy Fire Festival
to the Iranian resistance the Iranian
people defied a crackdown by the regime on the annual Fire Festival and staged
public celebrations ahead of the end-of-year event. The regime fears that
people will use the traditional festival to stage anti-regime protests. The
country’s state-run media has already reported the seizure of thousands of tons
of firecrackers and explosives, and the state security forces have openly
revealed the threat they see the event poses. State Security Forces commander
Ahmadi Moqaddam told Fars news
agency: 'Our experience shows that we had not had a successful management in
the fire festival ceremonies so far. 'We are trying to tighten the space for
those making trouble.' Charshanbe suri or the fire festival which happens on
the last Wed, of the year in Iran , becomes an act of defiance for youth who are fed up
with the ruling mullahs. In recent years, security forces have been cracking
down on celebration up to two months before it begins by banning firecrackers,
sparklers, rockets and even home-made grenades.
Another resident
of camp Liberty has died of his wound
Hamid Rabi, a member of the
People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, 51- years-old, who was severely
wounded in the February 9 rocket attack died in a Baghdad hospital. During past month he was suffering
excruciating pain and went through several operations. He is the 8th person who
was killed after the rocket attack on Liberty on Feb. 9. The seventh person who died in Liberty a day earlier was Mansour Koufe'i 52 on March 12. He
died due to lack of medical attention. The 3100 Iranian refugees were relocated
from Ashraf to Liberty more than a year a go in order to be transferred to third countries
which hasn't happened yet. The residents face threat of another attack and
demanding to return to Ashraf where they relatively have better protection
against missile attack until their transfer to third countries.
Despite the cold weather on Sat. March 16, hundreds of Iranian-Canadian demonstrated their support in Toronto. It was part of a global demonstrations by the Iranians in various countries.