Iranian resistance announced in its statement today May 12
that Rafsanjani’s entry as a presidential candidate, despite Khamenei’s
widespread efforts to prevent his candidacy, has given unprecedented dimensions
to the regime’s internal crisis and crack. In the last few days, Khamenei,
through various means including through the Minister of Intelligence and Hossein
Shariatmadari, editor of Kayhan, described Rafsanjani as Mohareb (in war with
God) and “corrupt on earth” who deserves
to be prosecuted and punished.
Registration of Rahim Mashaie, Ahmadinejad’s preferred candidate, who has been
described by Khamenei and his faction as the inspiration of the diversion flow,
has grew religious dictatorship’s crack and internal crisis much deeper.
On the other hand, repeated split and fragmentation within Khamenei’s faction
indicates the depth of the crisis in the regime of Velayet-e-Faqih (Supreme
leadership). Gangs within this faction who had already agreed to nominate one
candidate for each gang, failed to overcome their infighting and from each
gang, several people registered. For instance, Ghalibaf, the mayor of Tehran, Velayati, former Foreign Minister, and Haddad Adel,
whose daughter is Khamenei’s son wife, enrolled separately. In addition, from
Khamenei’s faction a number of other people, including Manouchehr Mottaki,
Abutorabi, Sadeq Lankarani and Saeed Jalili, nuclear negotiator, have nominated
Mrs. Rajavi President-Elect of the Iranian Resistance said:
With Rafsanjani’s candidacy for the mullahs’ presidential elections, the
Iranian regime has now undergone a significant change. Khamenei’s centralized
and one-sided power that he had achieved after wars of Kuwait (1991), Afghanistan (2001), Iraq and disarmament of the Iranian opposition (2003), in
the process of contraction of the religious dictatorship, led to 8 years
presidency of Ahmadinejad. Four years ago, Khamenei and Ahmadinejad were able
to suppress the Iranian people’s uprising, but Ahmadinejad entered a grueling
competition with Khamenei. Now this era has ended and with the entry of
Rafsanjani and Rahim Mashaie into the power struggle against Khamenei, the
process of the regime’s disintegration and debilitation has intensified unprecedentedly
and will accelerate its certain fall. Rafsanjani’s candidacy who ridiculed
Khamenei’s slogans of “Economic Epic ' and 'Political epic', is a full length
mirror of the crisis of falling of a regime that since 1980, has been fed by
four major wars, the first of which was the eight year war with Iraq that
Khomeini called it 'A Grace of God”.
On the verge of the Iranian regime's presidential
elections, the mullahs has taken various steps to disconnect or limit Internet
and phone communications in the county. According to the Iranian resistance
statement, on May 4 Internet speed in Iran was severely slowed down and methods of bypassing
filtering and accessing websites outside of Iran were deactivated. In the meantime, a large portion
of mobile phone networks became distorted starting May 8th. Iran’s mobile phone company has said: “We haven’t
witnessed any special problem.”
Prior to this, Mehdi Akhavan Beh-Abadi, secretary of the mullahs’ Cyberspace
High Council, had described “bypassing filtering software to access social
networks in the Internet as a crime.”
Internet use is only possible through IPs registered by the communications
company belonging to the Revolutionary Guards, in order to have control over
the users’ cyber activities.
The regime’s repressive organ known as FATA Police (Iran’s cyber police) has recently issued a regulation
conditioning any use of Internet on presenting a national code and user
passwords. Owners of all Internet cafes are obligated to register full
specifications of all customers. Otherwise the Internet café will be shut down.
Furthermore, installing any anti-filtering software on the computers and
withholding any anti-filtering software to access filtered sites, or
introducing anti-filtering sites to users have all been banned.
Following the 2009 uprising, in order to prevent another outburst of the
people’s wrath, the mullahs’ senior officials have allocated a high number of
IRGC members to identify Internet users in measures dubbed “confronting the
soft war”. According to Mohammad Ali Asoudi, IRGC deputy of cultural and
propaganda affairs, “20,000 men of the IRGC are active in various cultural
areas to confront the soft war.” He said these measures are taking place in
“implementing the supreme leader’s orders on confronting the soft war”.
to Hrana news agency, the intelligence agents have arrested Parisa Shahidi
a Bahai citizen of city of Gorgan in Iran. Based
on this report on May 7 the intelligence agents of Gorgan arrested Parisa Shahidi
after searching her home. She's transferred to an unknown location. Parisa
Shahidi is the wife of Kamal Kashani the other Bahai citizen who is been in
Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj with 5
other Bahai citizens for more than 6 months now.
In another related story, 5
years after seven Bahai leaders were arrested in Iran, members of the faith are campaigning to increase
attention to their plight in hopes that authorities will release them. The seven informal leaders of the Bahai faith, which
has no clergy, were arrested in 2008 and given 20-year prison terms. The
religion was founded in Iran in the 19th century and is anathema to the Islamic
clerical regime. The Iranian regime tried the
Bahai leaders on charges of spying for foreigners, spreading corruption,
undermining Islam and cooperating with Israel.
Iran: 15
executions in two days
At dawn of Wednesday, May 8, in a
mass execution attempts, 11 prisoners in Ghezel Hessar prison in the city of Karaj were hanged. Abbas Beparva, Abolfazl Kardeh, Maysam,
Adel Hashemi, and two brothers Amir and Hamid Hashemi are just a few of the
victims and their bodies were transferred to Bibi Hakimeh in Karaj outskirts to
be handed over to their families. They were from a group of 22 inmates
transferred to solitary cells in two groups on May 6 and 7 for execution.
Also on May 9, 3 inmates in Shahrood prison and 1 inmate in Semnan prison were
hanged. In another news, and according to NCRI, the Iranian resistance, 3 prisoners were hanged on
Tuesday in the central city of Isfahan.
On Monday 3 other men were hanged in public in the city of Kermanshah, western Iran. No information was given about their identities.
All the victims had been sentenced to death on drug related charges.
A 24
year old young man was lashed in public 110 times on Tuesday. The victim who
was identified with his initials M.S. was paraded in a nearby city of Abyek in Qazvin province, before being lashed in public.
Iraqis’ massive demos in
six provinces on “Our Option: Maintaining Our Dignity” Friday
According to INTV, Iranian National TV in exile, the Iraqi people’s massive
demonstrations in six provinces of Baghdad, Al Anbar, Salahadin, Neinawa,
Kirkuk and Diyala entitled “Our Option: Maintaining Our Dignity” on Friday
emphasized on rejecting any negotiations with Maliki’s government. The cities
of Ramadi, Fallujah, Samarra, Kirkuk, 13 mosques in Mosul, Kirkuk, Baquba,
Jalula, and the Baghdad districts of al-Azamiya, al-Ghazaliya, al-Ameriya, to
name a few witnessed huge rallies.
Al Jazeera TV reported the Iraqi people said Maliki’s government forced them to
burn their demands and now we see Maliki stepping down as the solution to
relive Iraq from the political, economic and security crisis. Al
Jazeera reported in Fallujah the demonstration speaker accused Maliki of being
behind the recent explosions to create a sectarian sedition and targeting
mosques in Baghdad. The speaker also held the new ‘awakening’ forces under Maliki’s
command responsible for assassinating sheikhs and university professors in the
past few days. According to INTV the Iraqi demonstrators set fire to the posters of Khamenie and Ahmadi
nejad and protested against the meddling of the Iranian regime in their
The Italian Senate majority issued a declaration supporting
the Iranian Resistance and Ashraf and Liberty residents, and condemning the mullahs’ human rights
violations and nuclear program. The signatories included two Senate deputy
presidents, four members of the Senate governing board, four commission
chairmen, two group leaders and two deputy ministers.

Yesterday May 11, in front of the Parliament here in Ottawa, Iranina-Canadians held a demonstration opposing the
sham election in Iran and announced that our vote is toppling the regime.
They also demanded an end to the silence in respect to the Iranian residents of
Libery and Ashraf camp in Iraq and their safety. Similar protests were held in Toronto, Paris, Vienna and Utoberry in Sweden.
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird spoke at a two-day conference (May
10&11) hosted by Monk School of Global Affairs at the university of Toronto
and supported by Canada's Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, beaming
social media, video and audio to Iran and Iranians around the world called
"Global dialogue affairs on the future of Iran". He said: We stand with the courageous activists inside Iran...with the dedicated Canadian diaspora outside Iran ...and with freedom-loving people everywhere who want a
brighter future for your country. I refuse to believe that the clerical military
dictatorship of Ayatollah Khamenei, his enforcers in the IRGC and Basij, or his
agents in Hezbollah, represents the future of Iran. He said: Let me be clear: we understand the vast system
of domestic repression and human rights abuses of Ayatollah Khamenei’s
regime. We bear witness to the brutal
tyranny run by the Basij and the IRGC, who rape and torture the Iranian people.
I believe the Iranian people want change.
Whether change comes quickly or gradually, the Iranian people will not
forever tolerate the hypocrisy and corruption of the regime; the wanton waste
of its resources; and the transformation of a proud nation into a pariah, said
John Baird. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and I
are absolutely resolute in this view: the Ayatollah Khamenei regime remains the
greatest threat to international peace and security in the world today. We are taking every effort to halt
the reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons capabilities while maintaining
exemptions that reduce the impact on the Iranian people. According
to political analysts this conference, despite its efforts that desired to bond
the people of distant places, paved a roadway towards the so called reformists
faction within the Iranian regime. They point out that the exclusion of the well
known Iranian political figures who have been active towards the toppling the
Iranian regime in its entirety, although not unusual but was disappointing. Canada severed diplomatic
relations with the Iranian regime in September, 2012.