The truth about the Massacre of 1988 Crime against Humanity

Let's read what Khomeini's wrote in his decree: Here (document in English)
The original Khomeini's letter in
Farsi: Here
" In the Name of God,
The Compassionate, the Merciful;
As the treacherous
Monafeqin [Mojahedin] do not believe in Islam and what they say is out of
deception and hypocrisy, and as their leaders have confessed that they have
become renegades, and as they are waging war on God, and as they are engaging
in classical warfare in the western, the northern and the southern fronts, and
as they are collaborating with the Baathist Party of Iraq and spying for Saddam
against our Muslim nation, and as they are tied to the World Arrogance, and in
light of their cowardly blows to the Islamic Republic since its inception, it
is decreed that those who are in prison throughout the country and remain
steadfast in their support for the Monafeqin [Mojahedin], are waging war on God
and are condemned to execution.
The task of implementing the decree in Even though a unanimous decision is better, the view of a majority of the three must prevail. In prisons in the provinces, the views of a majority of a trio consisting f the religious judge, the revolutionary prosecutor, and the Intelligence Ministry representative must be obeyed. It is naive to show mercy to those who wage war on God. The decisive way in which Islam treats the enemies of God is among the revolutionary rage and vengeance toward the enemies of Islam, you would achieve the satisfaction of the Almighty God. Those who are making the decisions must not hesitate, nor show any doubt or be concerned with details. They must try to be "most ferocious against infidels." To have doubts about matters of revolutionary Islam is to ignore the pour blood of martyrs.
Ruhollah Moussavi
The term "Monafiq" or "Monafeqin" is a political term used by the Iranian regime and Khomeini for the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran. As a family member of a leftist who was killed before the 1988 Massacre, I think that if we have no political agenda we must tell the truth no matter what and avoid distorting history. I'm sure you agree with me.
The term "Monafiq" or "Monafeqin" is a political term used by the Iranian regime and Khomeini for the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran. As a family member of a leftist who was killed before the 1988 Massacre, I think that if we have no political agenda we must tell the truth no matter what and avoid distorting history. I'm sure you agree with me.
Narges Ghaffari