Iran: The Political prisoners' Hunger strike ended victoriously in Gohardasht priosn
12 political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj, west of Tehran, issued a statement on Friday, May 2nd,
after the Iranian regime’s retreat in returning all detained prisoners in Evin
Prison solitary confinement to ward 350. The political prisoners who were
attacked by the regime's forces on April 17, were then transferred to solitary
confinement. Other prisoners went on hunger strike for their return to ward350
with other prisoners in different prisons. The regime caved in and transferred
all of them to ward350. The Evin Political prisoners thanked all who
participated in what they called a National solidarity with the political
Employees of
Shiraz Communication Association, a governmental organization have been
gathering outside the offices of Iran’s Mine & Industry Directorate since
8:30am Sunday May 4th protesting the unpaid wages for the past 55
Workers have been threatening the authorities that this would be their last warning. They were carrying banners saying 'workers’ rights and salaries must be paid.'
The suppressive anti-riot guards, fearing the spread of the unrest, tried to disperse the crowd by intimidation, but workers stood their grounds and continued with their protest.
******Workers have been threatening the authorities that this would be their last warning. They were carrying banners saying 'workers’ rights and salaries must be paid.'
The suppressive anti-riot guards, fearing the spread of the unrest, tried to disperse the crowd by intimidation, but workers stood their grounds and continued with their protest.
Young workers in the western Iranian city of Sanandaj rallied on Thursday, May 1st, marking May Day and launching rallies in the city streets. The protesters were holding banners calling for the release of political prisoners and also detained workers. Workers marched and chanted: "Labour prisoners must be freed".
Also in Shushtar Expelled workers of Paper Company on May Day staged rallies outside the factory, protesting their expulsion.
The Iranian regime arrested number of workers and organizers of the May Day rallies in Iran. The names of workers arrested on Thursday, May 1st, during rallies outside the regime’s Ministry of Labuor, are: Ibrahim Madadi, Hassan Saeedi, Nosser Moharamzadeh, Vahid Fereidooni, Morteza Kamsari, Rasoul Taleb Moghadam, Ali Pour-Karimi, Reza Ne’mati-pour, Mohsen Hosseini-Tabar, Bahram Akbari, Alireza Tavasoli, Akbar Nazari, Mohammad Salari, Kiumarth Olfati and Alireza Ghasemi.
These apprehended men are members of the Tehran bus drivers syndicate.
The number of those arrested on Thursday in Tehran was announced at 36. In the western city of Sanandaj two others were arrested.
Iran: Thirty-four executions in 11 days
The Iranian regime executed three prisoners on Thursday,
May 1, the International Workers’ Day. Mostafa Nazi Chalavi, Amir Rouzdar and
Babak Vavani who were hanged in the Bandar Abbas Prison bring the number of
executions in the past eleven days to 34 with at least five of them being 20 to
23 years old.
In the city of Karaj, on April 1st
and 2nd, eleven prisoners were executed in two mass executions in Ghezel Hessar
and Gohardasht prisons. Rasoul Talebei, one of those executed
in Ghezel Hessar Prison, was just 20 years old.
In the city of Kermanshah, on April 27,
at least seven prisoners were executed in Diezelabad Prison. Two of those
executed were Fariborz Siabani and Fattahi.
In the city of Mashhad, on April 21,
28 and 29, six prisoners were executed with one just 20 years old.
In the Zahedan central prison, on April 2nd and 4th, three prisoners were
executed. On April 26, three political prisoners of the Sunni Baluchi
compatriots who were 20 to 23 years old were hanged in public in the city of Zabol. On April 26 in
the city of Semnan a prisoner was
hanged in public.
According to the Iranian resistance's statement- May 2nd, these executions that
have taken on an unprecedented dimension during Rouhani’s office, betray any
illusion of moderation by the clerical fascist regime ruling Iran that
considers intensification of suppression as essential to its survival.
On Monday,
April 28, another PMOI member- People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran or MEK
passed away due to Cardiac Arrest at the Iraqi clinic at Camp Liberty. Iraqi forces had deliberately
delayed his transfer to hospital for treatment according to PMOI.