Monday, June 30, 2014


On Friday June 27th more that one hundred thousand Iranians gathered near Paris in the Iranian resistance annual gathering. People from 60 countries and 600 Parliamentarians and prominent figures from 5 continents were at this huge event called "All For Freedom".
Mrs Rajavai the president elect of the Iranian resistance and the key note speaker
talked about Hassan Rouhani's record in the past year, the challenges of Nuclear negotiations and the solution to the current crisis in Iraq.
She said the only solution for Iraq is to oust Nouri al-Maliki, to evict the Iranian regime from Iraq, and to establish a democratic and inclusive government.
The “All for Freedom” event was sponsored by more than 300 associations around the world, representing a broad range of expatriate Iranians and supporters, from government officials, professionals, students and business men and women to human and women rights activists.
It included the participation of more than 100 dignitaries and some 500 parliamentarians from the US, France, Europe, Canada, Australia, and Middle East. Mrs Kim Campbell former Canadian Prime Minister gave a speech. 
Also prominent Canadians such as David Kilgour former Minister and human rights activist and human rights lawyer Dave Matas participated at the gathering among others. Dignitaries from US, European Parliament, Albania, Germany, Iceland, Spain, Britain, franc, Italy among others and Arab courtiers such as Egypt, Syrian Opposition, Algeria, Jordan and Palestine spoke at the gathering as well. For more news on this event please visit:

Photographer-cartoonist from western Iran arrested by regime police

According to the National Council of Resistance of Iran June 26, Seywan Hosseinpour, photographer-cartoonist and an art teacher in the schools of Mahabad, western Iran, was arrested when regime security and intelligence agents raided his residence on Monday, June 23rd, transferring him to an unknown location.
Seywan Hosseinpour is a prominent Kurdish artist that has held dozens of photo and cartoon exhibitions around
Iran, and participated with other professionals as a group exhibitions abroad.

A mother of four commits suicide in city of Ravansar in Iran

According to Kordpa website, June 25th, on Monday, June 23rd, a middle-aged mother of 4, named Farahnaz Sattaie, committed suicide and ended her life by hanging. She was residing in ‘Rutvand’ near the city of Ravansar, in Kurdistan-Iran.
According to statistics published by Kordpa news agency, in the spring of this year alone, 20 Kurdish women and girls in
Iran’s Kuridstan have committed suicide for various reasons. Social experts have cited “poverty, unemployment, social problems and family disputes” as amongst the main reasons behind suicides in Iran, especially in the Kurdish regions.

A group of eleven prisoners were hanged on Thursday in A prison in Karaj
The eleven men were between 25 to 40 years old. They have been identified as Mehdi Aalaie, Karim Azizzadeh, Bahram Rezvan Panah, Karim Ghorbani, Davood Karami, Khosravi, Gholami, Islam and Siamak Heydari.
One of the achievements of Hassan Rouhani's first year as the regime's president is Nearly 800 cases of executions.