Direct role of Iranian regime's embassy in Canada in funding cultural center in Ottawa
A legal battle
over assets has revealed that the Iranian regime embassy in Ottawa funded a controversial cultural centre
in the Canadian Capital.
A former senior administrator at the vacant diplomatic post in Ottawa has acknowledged in a sworn affidavit that in fact the Iranian regime’s embassy paid the teachers at Farsi school on behalf of a foundation, the National Post reported. On paper the Iranian Cultural Centre was run by the non-profit Mobin Foundation. “The confirmation of the regime’s direct role in bankrolling the cultural centre is also noteworthy because of the embassy’s stated intention to recruit Canadians to serve Iran’s interests under the guise of cultural outreach programs,” the National Post report said. The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act in Canada allows victims of terrorism to sue perpetrators of terrorism and those who support them, including listed foreign states, for loss or damage that has occurred as a result of an act of terrorism committed anywhere in the world. Canada has listed both Iran under mullahs and Syria as states that support terrorism. Since the Iranian regime has long financed, armed and trained terrorists across the world and particularly in the regime, it has became the first target under the Canadian law. In March, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered sheriffs to seize bank accounts and properties owned by Tehran so they could be shared among victims.
In 1999 a group called " Concerned Iranian Action Committee A former senior administrator at the vacant diplomatic post in Ottawa has acknowledged in a sworn affidavit that in fact the Iranian regime’s embassy paid the teachers at Farsi school on behalf of a foundation, the National Post reported. On paper the Iranian Cultural Centre was run by the non-profit Mobin Foundation. “The confirmation of the regime’s direct role in bankrolling the cultural centre is also noteworthy because of the embassy’s stated intention to recruit Canadians to serve Iran’s interests under the guise of cultural outreach programs,” the National Post report said. The Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act in Canada allows victims of terrorism to sue perpetrators of terrorism and those who support them, including listed foreign states, for loss or damage that has occurred as a result of an act of terrorism committed anywhere in the world. Canada has listed both Iran under mullahs and Syria as states that support terrorism. Since the Iranian regime has long financed, armed and trained terrorists across the world and particularly in the regime, it has became the first target under the Canadian law. In March, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered sheriffs to seize bank accounts and properties owned by Tehran so they could be shared among victims.

Akbar Manoussi whose name is associated with the purchase of 2 Robinson St. and the Iranian regime's embassy was also revealed by Kathleen Harris;s investigative report in Ottawa Sun in 1999. The link to this report is on our website: @

According to the Iranian resistance's statement Oct. 18, and its reports its getting from Inside Iran, In recent days, organized gangs affiliated with the regime have been splashing acid on the faces of a large number of young women in Esfahan and Mashhad under the pretext of “mal-veiling”. The victims of this heinous act amount to eight, six of whom have been hospitalized in Esfahan’s Feiz Hospital.
Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, expressed deep resentment for these appalling crimes by clerical regime’s elements and called on all human rights bodies and women's rights defenders to condemn these atrocities. She said: International community’s silence in the face of these brutalities under the pretext of nuclear talks is tantamount to encouraging the mullahs’ regime to continue these atrocities in Iran.
She added that the medieval clerical regime that is fearful of mounting popular discontent, especially that of women and the youth, is attempting to prevent the explosion of their wrath through these brutalities and intimidations. She called on the youth to expand their protests against this savagery under the pretext of tackling “mal-veiling”.
These premeditated crimes by the clerical regime which is known among the people as the "Godfather of ISIS", are carried out following the regime leaders’ emphasis on the need for further suppression of women and the youth. This is a grim reminder of the early years of the Iranian revolution in the 80s where the Iranian regime's thugs on Motorbike would throw acid on girls faces or cut their faces with sharp carpet cutters.
Online newspaper The Washington Free Beacon wrote on Oct. 17 that US Congress is calling for an investigation into Voice of America’s (VOA) Persian language news service as a result of what they say is the station’s systemic pro-Iran bias and cozy ties to the anti-American ruling regime, according to a letter sent recently to Secretary of State John Kerry.
Lawmakers and Iranian dissidents have long accused VOA’s Persian News Network (PNN) of producing sympathetic coverage of the Iranian regime and blacklisting prominent Iranian opposition voices from appearing on the air.
The call from Congress for an investigation into these alleged practices comes just a month after the Washington Free Beacon revealed that PNN had banned from the network a prominent Iranian opposition member and placed him on a so-called “black list” after he attacked Iran’s ruling regime for sponsoring terrorism.
Nine House lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are now demanding that the State Department launch a formal investigation into potential mismanagement at PNN, according to a letter sent to Kerry on Wednesday and obtained by the Free Beacon.
“We request that you [Kerry] look into this matter and investigate any possible mismanagement and slanted coverage of news by VOA-PNN, including the oversight of management, staffing, and content,” the lawmakers wrote.
Those members concerned about PNN’s coverage include Reps. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.), Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.), Steve Stockman (R., Texas), Trent Franks (R., Ariz.), Howard Coble (R., N.C.), and several others.
“We have received complaints from our Iranian-American constituents that VOA-PNN programs have neglected to adequately cover the abysmal situation of human rights violations in Iran, particularly the alarming and dramatic rise in executions,” they write in the letter.
“During [Iranian] President Hassan Rouhani’s first term in office, nearly 900 hangings have been ordered with very few of these executions receiving VOA-PNN coverage,” they say. “In our efforts to protect and give voice to vulnerable populations, we must ensure that VOA-PNN upholds its mission to provide truthful news and does not suppress the voices of those Iranians seeking human rights protections and Democratic change in their country.”
PNN critics, including former staffers and guests, have discussed systematic corruption at the network that includes a policy of censoring those who criticize the regime and those who may reveal information damaging to the network’s senior officials, some of whom have had ties to the Iranian regime.
“We are concerned that this network, which is meant to promote freedom and democracy through objective news and information, may have harmed instead of helped the plight of Iranians seeking to claim their human rights,” the lawmakers state in their letter.
Iranian-American community leaders welcomed Congress’ call to investigate PNN.
Majid Sadeghpour, political director of the Organization of Iranian-American Communities-US (OIAC), said that U.S. taxpayers expect better of VOA.
“Regrettably, while VOA-PNN has given voice to the pro-Tehran crowd inside the Beltway, it has censored the views of those who seek a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic in Iran,” Sadeghpour said in a statement provided to the Free Beacon.
Regime opponents who have been invited onto PNN say that their comments have been censored, and in some cases they have been thrown off the air.