Sunday, July 10, 2022


Fearing the spread of popular uprisings and to terrorize and intimidate the public, the Iranian regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi, has ordered stepped-up suppression of women in the framework of a 2005 decree entitled ‘chastity and hijab’ by the ‘Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution.’ The regime has, thus, intensified its measures against Iranian women terrified of their leading role in the uprisings by repressing the protesting women and girls by the Revolutionary Guard mercenaries and their patrols called ‘enjoining good and prohibiting vice’. On June 26, the deputy prosecutor in Mashhad sent a letter to the governor, demanding that unveiled women be prevented from getting on subways. He threatened that any delinquency in this regard will be prosecuted. On July 4, he issued a directive to “refuse services to people who do not wear the hijab (scarf) in offices and banks” and stressed that managers and heads of offices and banks must not provide services to people who appear in offices without “legal hijab”. Earlier in June, the “21-Tir Headquarters” in the northeastern province of Khorasan Razavi began the inhuman task of “improving the state of the hijab and chastity in the institutions”. On July 3, the Qom Province branch of the IRGC announced it had sealed three cafes for “not respecting the hijab” and that “cleansing and monitoring of traditional coffee houses and damaged cafes have been carried out by nine teams consisting of local police, the Sarullah headquarters of Amr Be Ma’rouf and Nahi Mankar (i.e. enjoining good and prohibiting vice), and Day-19th Headquarters of Qom province” On July 5, Saleh Rahimi, the Governor of Bushehr, ordered that unveiled women should not enter the Administrative Council of Bushehr. The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (WNCRI) urgently demands the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women condemn the ruling misogynous theocracy’ atrocities against women and visit Iran to learn more about the violation of women’s rudimentary rights, especially in the regime’s prisons.


Three political prisoners are detained in Karaj, Tehran, and Urmia prisons while deprived of their most essential needs. The three political prisoners are Massoumeh Asgari, a retired teacher; Soada Khadirzadeh, a mother of three; and Reyhaneh Ansarinejad, a single mother of a girl.