Sunday, August 13, 2023

 IRAN NEWS))))))

Political prisoner Azam Gholami, 35 years old, has languished in confinement for over 10 months, held in an uncertain state. Her ordeal began when security forces apprehended her in front of her Qasem Abad residence in Mashhad-Iran during the height of the nationwide uprising and protests in October 2022. Her home was subjected to a search, and several personal possessions were confiscated. She was subsequently taken to the detention center of the Intelligence Department of Mashhad.


Political prisoner Massoumeh Senobari has been isolated in a cell in Fardis Prison of Karaj (aka Kachouii Prison) in Iran for about eight months. She is being detained in restricted conditions isolated from other inmates, and deprived of fresh air on the orders of the judge presiding over her case. Currently detained in solitary confinement in the women’s ward, Massoumeh Senobari is isolated from fellow prisoners. The judge overseeing her case has imposed this restrictive measure on her. Furthermore, limitations are placed on her ability to contact her family, with authorities even preventing her from recharging her phone card.


The NCRI Women’s Committee issued a statement on Aug. 7, saying: "According to a report by the state-run website Etemad Online on August 6, the clerical regime is seeking to expand an atmosphere of terror and fear by deploying 400 security forces of Tehran Municipality under the name of ‘Veil Watchers’ in the Tehran metro with a monthly salary of 120 million Rials. As claimed by regime officials, the duty of these oppressive forces is to issue verbal warnings and prevent unveiled individuals from entering the metro, and reporting them to the police in case of resistance. NCRI women's committee added: Paying such high salaries to suppressive forces targeting women, comes at a time when, according to the Supreme Labor Council’s decision, the minimum monthly wage for Iranian workers in the current Iranian year of 1402 is less than 50 million Rials. Unprecedented inflation and soaring prices have placed immense burdens on workers and laborers. Heart-wrenching scenes of men, women, and children rummaging through garbage bins for their meager sustenance trouble the conscience of any human being, except for the ruling mullahs and the criminal authorities who have abandoned all sense of humanity. The NCRI Women’s Committee called on all freedom-loving youth to stand against these oppressive measures targeting noble women and urges defenders of human and women’s rights to condemn these actions under the pretext of combatting improper veiling. The statement says at the end that: During the 2022 uprising, Iranian women demonstrated with slogans like “With or without hijab, we march towards revolution,” proving that attaining gender equality and minimum women’s rights is contingent upon overthrowing the religious fascism ruling Iran. As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has declared, “No to compulsory religion, no to compulsory hijab, and no to compulsory government.”