Sunday, July 21, 2024


The Political prisoner Elaheh Fouladi, held in Evin Prison in Iran, has been deprived of contact and visits with her family by order of the prison’s disciplinary committee since July 6. She is suffering from heart complications and a high heart rate. The prison conditions have aggravated her illness, making it physically unbearable for her to remain incarcerated. Despite her acute physical condition, the prison authorities and judiciary have kept Elaheh Fouladi in prison.


For two weeks now, by order of the authorities at Evin Prison, journalist, and political prisoner Pakhshan Azizi has been deprived of phone calls and in-person visits with her family. The efforts of this Kurdish political prisoner’s family to establish contact and arrange visits at the prison have been unsuccessful, and they are concerned about Pakhshan's health. Pakhshan Azizi, a former political prisoner, and Social Work graduate endured over four months of detainment in the Intelligence Ministry’s Ward 209 at Evin Prison.


Maryam Mehrabi, a teacher imprisoned in Dolatabad Prison in Isfahan, has gone on a hunger strike to protest the psychological pressures, poor physical conditions, and separation from her children. She was moved to solitary confinement some time ago and has been hospitalized in the prison’s medical facility several times.


Nasim Gholami Simiyari, who is accused of armed insurgency (Bagh-ye), remains in Evin Prison without clear legal status despite 425 days having passed since her arrest. She has been in detention for nearly fourteen months. Despite a court session being held on June 30, in Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court, no verdict has been issued for her. This prisoner continues to remain in uncertainty in the women’s ward of Evin Prison.