Following Canadian and international pressures the Iranian regime was forced to release Ms. Homa Hoodfar a 65 year old Iranian-Irish-Canadian citizen and, researcher on Muslim women in various regions of the world from prison on Monday Sept. 26. Homa Hoodfar was detained in June. Hoodfar said she didn't believe she was actually on her way home until she was on the plane out of Iran. She traveled to Iran in February to see family and do academic research but was arrested in March, just as she was set to return to Montreal. She was released on bail and then rearrested in early June. She was accused by the Iranian regime's authorities of collaborating with a hostile government against national security and with propaganda against the state.

The United States and European Union and Human Rights watch on Friday September 30 called on Iranian regime to free Narges Mohammadi, a journalist and activist whose 16-year prison sentence was recently upheld by Mullah's courts.
Mohammadi was arrested last year after joining a campaign to end the death penalty in Iran.
A woman was executed Thursday morning, September 29, in the Central Prison of Orumiyeh (northwestern Iran), along with her husband and six other prisoners. Molouk Noori who had been imprisoned in the women's ward of Orumiyeh Prison, and her husband, Behnam Pirkuzadegan, were Kurds and resided in Kermanshah. The other six prisoners hanged collectively in the Orumiyeh Central Prison were all Kurds from Orumiyeh.
The number of women executed during Rouhani's tenure so far amounts to 71. Hassan Rouhani took office in 2013.
According to state-run Tasnim news agency Sept. 29, Hossein Ashtari the commander of the State Security Force announced on Sept. 29 that "Some 2000 women who wear improper clothing are arrested every day in Tehran and some other provinces."
He added: "We have submitted a plan proposing social deprivations and deprivation from services by the Islamic Republic, for clothing abnormalities and unconventional behavior." Tasnim belongs to Quds terrorist forces.

female chess players have reacted with horror after being told they must compete at next year's world championship wearing a hijab when competing in Iran.
Within hours of Iran, being revealed as its host country, the prestigious event was plunged into crisis as it emerged players taking part face arrest if they don't cover up.
In response, Grand masters lined up to say they would boycott the 64-player knock-out and accused the game's scandal-hit governing body Fide of failing to stand up for women’s rights.
Fide's Commission for Women's Chess, meanwhile, called on participants to respect “cultural differences” and accept the regulations...
However, players claim by awarding the event to Iran Fide is turning a blind eye to sexual discrimination.
Nazi Paikidze, the US women's champion, also raised concerns about players' safety in the Islamic republic and said: "It is absolutely unacceptable to host one of the most important women's tournaments in a venue where, to this day, women are forced to cover up with a hijab.
"I understand and respect cultural differences. But, failing to comply can lead to imprisonment and women's rights are being severely restricted in general.
"It does not feel safe for women from around the world to play here.” Paikidze added: "I am honored and proud to have qualified to represent the United States in the Women’s World Championship. But, if the situation remains unchanged, I will most certainly not participate in this event…."
Fide is already reeling after its president, the eccentric multi-millionaire Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, was placed on a US sanctions list for alleged business dealings with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad's regime.