Roghayeh Azizi Mirmahaleh who was scheduled to be deported to Iran on Feb. 28, was freed on Wed. Feb. 22. and was granted a 2 year temporary residency. Azizi a PMOI sympathizer(People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran) spent 3 years in prison in Iran and her husband was executed during the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988. They were both arrested when their only daughter Sahar was a toddler for distributing pamphlets in Iran printed by the POMI. The Iranian resistance had issued a statement condemning Azizi's arrest and deportation order. Iranian activists, Canadian MPs and Ministers had protested and opposed Azizi's arrest and deportation order as well.
A 32-year-old victim of rape named Nahid was sentenced to 15 years in prison and 99 lashes for illicit relations with a man who drugged, raped, filmed and blackmailed her in 2011 in Iran. Ironically, Nahid's 38-year-old husband, Hamid, who atrociously cut off the man's head, has been cleared of murder charges and is going to be freed on the grounds that the man who had raped his wife was punishable by death, anyway according to the state-run Rokna February 18.

Dorsa Derakhshani, member of the Iranian Women's National Chess Team and the sixth world champion in under-18 games, got expelled from the national team for not covering her hair in the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival.
Head of Iranian regime's Chess Federation, Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh, said they will "seriously deal" with a sister and brother who played in the chess festival in Gibraltar because the girl did not observe the veil and the boy played with an Israeli player.
Pahlevanzadeh pointed out, "The first step in dealing with them would be to deprive them from every game that is played in Iran and in the name of Iran, and they will not have the chance to be on the national team."
Dorsa Derakhshani, 18, is presently studying in Spain and had participated in the Gibraltar games independently. Her brother, Borna, 15, had also registered in the games on his own. He played with Alexander Huzman, grand-master from Israel. (The state-run Fars news agency – February 18, 2017)