1087 female panhandlers and 2052 homeless women have been arrested since March of 2016. These numbers were announced by Shahabeddin Chavoshi, political and social deputy for Tehran's Governor, according to the state-run Alef website March 20, 2017.
A 16-year-old girl in the city of Marand (West Azerbaijan Province), committed suicide and died on March 19. Another 17 year old girl Shiva Pajdam, committed suicide in Bukan. Shiva had quit school because she was forced into getting married.
In a speech published on Khamenei's official website, March 19, he once again stressed that the main duty of women is bearing children. He said the equality movement is a source of corruption.
Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime's supreme leader, said, "Under the pretext of defending women's rights, some people say things that are not tantamount to respect for women, but undermine her." He said defending women's rights is "a Zionist conspiracy."