According to Middle East Eye, on Wednesday, the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade voted in favour of moving Bill S-219 to a debate in Canada’s Senate chamber. Bill S-219 is a non-nuclear sanctions against Iranian regime for violations of human rights, and its terrorist activities including the Iranian Revolutionary Guards or IRGC. This bill is to be sent to the Canadian senate for approval.
Independent, reported on March, 30th that a 21-year-old Iranian man has been sentenced to death by the authorities for “insulting Islam” through messages he sent on an instant messenger app. Human rights lawyers say that Sina Dehghan, who was just 19 when he sent the messages, was tricked into signing his own death warrant after being persuaded to confess to the breach of Islamic law with the promise of release if he did so.
But after obtaining a confession, prosecutors dropped the agreement and sentenced Dehghan to death in January of this year, according to the Center for Human Rights in Iran.
Prosecutors asked that Dehghan be sentenced to death for “insulting the prophet’ as well as to 16 months in prison for ’insulting the supreme leader’.
Co-defendants Sahar Eliasi and Mohammad Nouri were also convicted of posting anti-Islamic material on social media. Nouri was issued a death sentence, and Eliasi's sentenced reduced from 7 years to 3years. According to Amnesty International, there were 289 state executions carried out in Iran in 2014, and according to the UN, at least 966 people were put to death in the country in 2015.
Three female prisoners, Massoumeh Zia, Tahereh Riyahi, and Mahsa Roj'ati were transferred to solitary confinement in Ward 241 of Evin Prison on Saturday night, March 25.
No information is available on the reason for their transfer to the solitary ward.
Massoumeh Zia, a civil rights activist, Tahereh Riyahi, a journalist, and Mahsa Roj'ati, a civil rights activist, had been transferred to the Evin's Women's Ward after two months of interrogation in solitary confinement at Ward 209.
Kurdish student activist Afsaneh Bayazdi has been sent into solitary confinement in the wake of writing a letter to Ali Khamenei, the Iranian regime's supreme leader, protesting insults, brutal torture and rape in prisons.
Ms. Bayazidi was interrogated and badly beaten up by authorities of the Central Prison of Kerman.
She writes in part in her letter: , "For 38 years, you have played with the people of Iran and all the ethnic groups like your rosary beads. And in the name of a false religion and an Islam which you have made up, you have tortured and raped people and given them long prison sentences, or executed them. I will never forget what happened to me and others like me, in prison but a day will come when people like me will see you and your accomplice in virtuous courts. We hope for the day when the occupying officials of the evil regime of the Islamic Republic would be punished as they deserve."
Afsaneh Bayazdi, Kurdish student activist, was sentenced on September 8, 2016, to four years in prison and internal exile to Kerman for disseminating propaganda against the state.

condemned the Iranian Regime's Banning of Female Athletes' Competition on the Bogus Charge Of "Failing to Observe Islamic Codes". The Women's committee's statement reads: In an appalling measure, the clerical regime deprived five female Iranian athletes for one year from participating in all national and international tournaments for "failing to observe Islamic codes" while participating in China's Open billiard competitions.
Families of death-row prisoners have announced that they will hold a gathering on April 9, in front of the Parliament in Tehran, calling for abolition of the death penalty. The families will converge on Tehran from different cities and provinces including Isfahan, Chahar Mahal-o Bakhtiari, Fars, Hormuzgan, Orumiyeh, Hamedan, Sistan-o Baluchistan, Kerman, West Azerbaijan, and Alborz.
They held similar gatherings on January 30 and February 25, 2017 demanding abolition of the death penalty.