According to Tasnim affiliated with the Terrorist Quds force, on June 15 that female students boarding at Massoumeh dormitory of Chamran University of Ahwaz staged a protest on Wednesday night, June 14, about the the dormitory's dysfunctional cooling system. The dormitory's security forces closed the door on students who wanted to leave the dormitory and join the gathering, a measure which lead to the students' protest.
Ahwaz is the capital of the oil-rich province of Khuzistan, southwestern Iran.
Students staged another protest on Thursday night, June 15, calling for the resignation of the university president whom they described as incompetent. The protest took place in the wake of an interview by the university’s president with the state television, denying the existence of any problems in the university.
In a related news a group of female Ph.D students at Tehran University in Iran, staged a protest on June 14, outside the Ministry of Sciences against difficult conditions for granting loans, non-payment of wages and etc.
One of the protesting said, “According to the law, Ph.D. students must receive monthly payments. Not only they do not receive any salary but the conditions for receiving loans has also become tremendously difficult compared to the past years and students cannot get loans.”
The protesters carried placards which read, “Ph.D. students have dedicated themselves to science but are worried about their living conditions”, “Being a Ph.D. student is considered a job everywhere and it receives salary”, “Doing research is my job and receiving monthly payment is my right.”
A group of Iranian women staged a protest against one of the branches of Caspian Credit Institute in Tehran’s Shariati Ave., on Thursday, June 15. The women have suffered losses because the Caspian Credit Institute has not refunded their deposits after going bankrupt. On June 13 a number of women participated in a protest at Tehran’s International Exhibition, in protest to the looting of their properties by the Caspian Credit Company. In recent weeks in Iran, similar protests have sparked by thousands of people who have lost their life savings in Caspian, and other credit Institutes who have claimed bankruptcy.
According to the Women committee of the Iranian resistance's website, three women were arrested by security forces in the cities of Sanandaj and Ravansar, in the Iranian Kurdistan Province. On Sunday, June 11, Farideh Bahrami, 23, was arrested in Ravansar by security forces and on Monday, June 12, Soheila Zandi and Nasrin Pershangdar were arrested in Sanandaj.
The state-run Tasnim news agency reported on June 15 that the Iranian regime's disciplinary committee of the Volleyball Federation convened an emergency meeting where it deprived three women under 23 years of age from playing in volleyball games for one to three years. According to the website of the Volleyball Federation, the emergency meeting was held by the disciplinary committee because of improper incidents created for Iran’s national team on the sidelines of the games in Thailand. The emergency meeting decided to deprive Shaghayegh Shafi’ for three years, Negin Shirtari for two years and Mona Ramezani for one year from all athletic activities in volleyball. It is not clear what the improper incidents for Iran’s national team on the sidelines of the games was and what the three players had done?
The Iranian regime's Judiciary of Orumiyeh rejected an appeal to rescind the execution verdict for Tahmineh Danesh, 40 with three children. Tahmineh Danesh was arrested on April 2, 2015, on the alleged charges of "murder" and "illicit relationship." She was sentenced to death and 90 lashes by the second branch of Orumiyeh’s Penal Court on November 11, 2006.
Her lashing sentence was carried out in prison in three consecutive sessions. Orumiyeh is the capital of the West Azerbaijan Province in northwestern Iran. International laws advise against issuing prison sentences, let alone death sentences, for women due to their roles as mothers and caregivers.
A number of Iranian women held a banner and staged a protest in Tehran against the ban imposed on their entrance to Tehran’s Azadi sports stadium. The banner reads, “Entering Azadi Stadium is my right.”
Iran: According to reports Maryam Naghash Zargaran(Naseem)an Iranian-Christian was attacked by a petty criminal in notorious Evin prison and her foot got injured(probably broken) but the prison officials deny her hospital treatment. She suffers from several medical conditions such as a heart condition. Christians in Iran have been subjected to pressure and assassinations by the regime for many years. Hassan Rouhani the regime's president said during his campaign: “Here I come for the second time for Iran and for Islam. I would like all Iranians to come for the second time to the ballot box to support me for Iran, for Islam.” Naseem was arrested in 2012 and sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment for "Assembly and collusion against national security"! Maryam-Nasim had gone on hunger strike several times in protest to inhuman prison conditions and preventing her from transferring to a hospital outside the prison.
Many nursing graduates are dissatisfied with the nursing system and emigrate for not having employment license.
Dr. Jaleh Ezzati, a deputy to the Organization of Nursing System, talked in an interview about the problems of female nurses in Iran.
She said, "We have documents that 97 per cent of nurses are deeply dissatisfied with the country's health system. The number of nursing graduates is not small, however, there are many who do not get employment licenses after graduation. Presently, many of the graduates decide to emigrate."
Ezzati also said, "Last year, 15 educated nurses died while at work. All of them worked two shifts due to work pressure, shortage of staff, and strong need for funds... Having to work overtime and these sorts of pressure leads to the death of some nurse in some province all the time. The latest example was in Kerman Province, where a 35-year-old nurse had a heart stroke at the hospital."
On the nurses' salary, she also said, "We are not complying with international standards. In Iran, every 15 patients have one nurse, while by the international standards every nurse has to attend to one or maximum of four patients. The difference in the salaries of a nurse and a doctor in 99 per cent of countries, is three folds at most. In Iran, however, the difference is 100 folds. We have even had payrolls that are 500 times greater than those of nurses. This is while many doctors say that they receive only the fee for visit or for surgery. They leave and all the work must be done by the nurse. In such circumstances, nurses cannot receive the salary they received eight years ago while the salary of their colleague is over 100 or 500 times more."
She added, "Our research shows that immigration of nurses has grown 300 folds. When nurses see that doctors receive 300 folds more in salary, they would no longer respect them. The amount of work is so much that they see no reason for staying. They just leave everything behind, and leave." (The state-run Alef website, June 11, 2017)
Iranian women and other users of twitter have tweeted on a Farsi hashtag, the rights of 49% of the populace (women), to express their protest to the continued ban on women’s presence in sports stadiums in Iran.
On Tuesday, June 6, women who referred to the website selling tickets for the World League volleyball games, encountered a message of “sold out” for women.
A female journalist reporting on sports said, “We learned that, as in the past, a number of women have been allowed into the stadium as a theatrical measure to claim that the authorities have allowed women into the stadium, while the website selling the tickets displayed a ‘sold out’ message since the very first minutes of the sale of tickets if you chose female as gender.”

Alamol-Hoda, Khamenei’s representative in Mashhad, reacted to women’s presence in stadiums on June 11 and said, “If it is decided that a group of boys and girls gather and a bunch of women and girls create excitement in the sideline of an athletic championship race, clap and whistle and jump up and down, then this would be indecent. And indecency is an epitome of sin.”
According to the Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, on June 11 the Iranian regime sentenced 20 people to punishment by flogging in a summary trial in the special courts. The ruling was implemented on the same day. Arrests under the excuse of breaking fasting during the month of Ramadan continues in various cities of the country. According to state-run media the number of arrestees in Fars province and in the cities of Qazvin and Urmia amounted to 730. This includes the arrest of 590 people in Fars province under the excuse of breaking fasting and breaking norms, detention of 90 people in Qazvin, and the arrest of 50 in Urmia. Iranian regime's has forbidding people from eating, drinking water, and smoking in public during the fasting month of Ramadan.
The number of working children in the streets of Isfahan has increased 120 percent, said the social deputy for the Welfare Organization in Isfahan. Marzieh Farshad revealed, “In 2015, the number of working children included 128 boys and 28 girls. This number increased last year to 305 boys and 44 girls.” She reiterated that the rise in the number of working girls has provoked greater concern. On the reasons for such a development, Farshad said, “There are many reasons for children who work, among them are cultural poverty (!), financial poverty of the family, and in some instances illness of the parents that force the children to work (to earn a living).”
(The state-run Tasnim news agency – June 9, 2017)
The Ministry of Health openly announced its opposition to the new uniform for female nurses and hospital staff presented on Friday, June 9, 2017, at the School of Medical Sciences of Zahedan University, southeastern Iran. The new uniform consists of a black head-to-toe veil (chador) worn over a white manteaux and a black head-to-neck cover (maghna’eh). Mohammad Mirza Beigi, deputy for nurses’ affairs at the Ministry of Health on June 10, 2017, said, “The new nursing uniform presented at the Medical Sciences School of Zahedan, contradicts scientific and specialized criterion for the uniforms of the medical staff and nurses.” (The state-run ISNA news agency, June 10, 2017)
A woman was targeted in an acid attack in Kermanshah, capital of western Kermanshah Province. The city’s prosecutor, Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi said, “The assailant splashed acid on his former mother-in-law after having an argument with her when he attempted to obtain the documents of his car. He had already poured the acid in a plastic bottle and prepared it for the attack. The woman has been hurt in the left arm, shoulder, and parts of her face.”
Sadeghi added, “The woman has been transferred to hospital. The assailant, however, has sent new text messages to his ex-wife and threatened her and her family with more acid attacks.” Use of acid as an assault tool has became common after the government organized acid attacks on women on the streets in 2014. The assailants were never arrested.
In this case, too, the assailant is at large, calling and threatening his ex-wife.
(The state-run ISNA news agency, June 10, 2017)