Sunday, June 09, 2024


Two Kurdish women, Zahra Nabizadeh and Hatav Akrami, have been detained by security forces in Iran.  On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, Nabizadeh was taken into custody. Zahra Nabizadeh had been previously arrested by government forces during nationwide protests on December 25, 2022, while she was six-months pregnant. She lost her unborn baby under torture. Hatav Akrami, a Kurdish citizen residing in Bukan, was arrested by the security forces. The arrest occurred with intimidation and violence, and she was subsequently transferred to an undisclosed location. Hatav Akrami is the cousin of Mehran Akrami, another detainee from the 2022 nationwide protests who tragically died under torture. On the evening of Thursday, May 30, nearly 20 members of the IRGC’s intelligence forces stormed Hatav Akrami’s parents’ house in the village of “Ingijeh” in Bukan. She is a 42-year-old manager of a sewing workshop in Bukan city.


Iranian Political prisoner Elaheh Fouladi is suffering from heart complications and a high heart rate. The prison conditions have aggravated her illness, making it physically unbearable for her to remain incarcerated. Despite her acute physical condition, the prison authorities and judiciary have kept her in prison. Elaheh, born in 1978 in Khalkhal, Ardabil Province, is married with two children. She was an under graduate university student when she was arrested at the airport on January 23, 2020, along with her husband, Mr. Sattar Babaei, and taken to Evin Prison. After the interrogation period ended in July 2020, Elaheh Fouladi was released on bail. However, the Revolutionary Court of Tehran later sentenced her to eight years in prison for “propaganda against the state” and “assembly and collusion against national security” due to her association with the Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). On December 12, 2023, Elaheh Fouladi was re-arrested and transferred to the women’s ward of Evin Prison to serve her sentence. Her husband, Mr. Sattar Babaei, completed a two-year sentence in Evin Prison from 2020 to 2022 on similar charges of “assembly and collusion with the intention of acting against national security” and “propaganda against the state in favor of the PMOI.”


Political prisoner Maryam Mahmoud Abadi is currently detained in solitary confinement at the IRGC Intelligence detention center of the Sarallah Corps in Kerman, southern Iran. She was arrested during a raid on her family’s residence in Sirjan on May 14, 2024. Her family has been threatened not to disclose her arrest to the public or the media. Maryam Mahmoud Abadi, 25, had previously been arrested in November 2022 during the nationwide uprising for posting a story on Instagram about the death of slain protester Nika Shakarami. She was eventually temporarily released on bail.