Monday, October 14, 2024

 IRAN NEWS))))))

The Iranian regime’s judiciary refuses to release political prisoner Maryam Akbari who has completed her 15-year sentence without a day of leave. Maryam's sentence ended on October 12, 2024. She was arrested in 2009 after she asked about her cibligns burial plot. Her brothers and sister were executed during 1980s in Iran. The family were not told where they were buried. The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Women’s Committee issued a statement sayin: In a vile and inhuman action in July 2024, the regime’s judiciary issued an order to confiscate the properties of Maryam Akbari and her relatives due to her seeking justice for her three brothers and one sister who were executed. Her youngest daughter was 3 years old when she was arrested. She attends unitversity now.


Kowsar Dehbanzadeh, sister of political prisoner Maysam Dehbanzadeh, was arrested by Intelligence officials in Shiraz, the capital of Fars Province in southern Iran. Kowsar had been under pressure from security agents due to her advocacy and legal pursuits for her brother. She was arrested by intelligence officers in Shiraz without any legal documentation and was transferred to solitary confinement at the Intelligence Detention Center (Cell 100) in Shiraz on Friday, September 27. Kowsar Dehbanzadeh had previously been summoned multiple times by Yasuj Intelligence, where she faced threats for supporting her brother, Maysam Dehbanzadeh, who is currently imprisoned in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj. Intelligence agents have threatened her family, warning them not to publicize her arrest.


On the morning of Tuesday, October 1, a young woman was executed in Ahar Prison, East Azerbaijan Province in Iran. Akhtar Ghorbanlou, a victim of child marriage, had been arrested on murder charges and sentenced to death. At the age of 17, Akhtar was forcibly married to a man 18 years her senior, arranged by her family. Reportedly, Akhtar’s father compelled her to marry the victim due to his wealth. She was accused of killing her husband by giving him lethal pills.


On the morning of October 2, the execution sentence for another woman named Zahra Fayzi was carried out in Tabriz Central Prison in Iran. Zahra , aged 41 and a resident of Tabriz, was arrested four years ago on charges of murdering her husband and was sentenced to qesas (retribution in kind). The victim’s family demanded 4.5 billion tomans from Zahra’s family to halt the execution, but her family was unable to gather this amount. This sum far exceeds the official blood money rate in Iran, which has been set by the judiciary at 1.2 billion tomans for 2024.


Fatemeh Moradpour, a 15-year-old girl from Lorestan-Iran, took her own life after being pressured by her family to marry. This tragic event occurred on Tuesday, October 1, in Rumeshkan, a town in Lorestan province. Her family had been pressuring her to marry a 40-year-old married man. Having repeatedly refused the marriage, Fatemeh eventually resorted to suicide and hanged herself.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

 IRAN NEWS))))))

On the morning of Wednesday, October 2, 7 prisoners, including a woman, were hanged in Qezel Hesar Prison in Karaj-Iran. The identity of the young woman, who had spent 8 years in prison on murder charges, is still unknown.

According to statistics compiled by the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, with the execution of this woman in Qezel Hesar Prison, at least 249 women have been executed in Iran since 2007. The number of women executed in Iran since the beginning of 2024 has reached 20. Nine of these executions were carried out during President Pezeshkian’s term. The total number of executions in Iran in 2024 has exceeded 500, so far.


Anisha Assadollahi, a labor activist currently serving her sentence in Evin Prison in Iran, has been denied visits with her family for over three months. Since July of this year, she has been barred from seeing her family and her husband, Keyvan Mohtadi, due to her protests against the death sentences issued against Sharifeh Mohammadi and Pakhshan Azizi. On August 6, 2024, Ms. Assadollahi  was also deprived of telephone contact by the prison’s disciplinary committee following her protests against the execution of Reza Rasaei. She was sent to Evin Prison in July of last year to serve her sentence.


Political prisoner Maryam Sadat Yahyavi has been deprived of her right to phone calls with her family for over 50 days. This ban was imposed on August 6, 2024, following the publication of a letter written by Maryam in support of fellow political prisoner, Pakhshan Azizi. The prison authorities, in response, ordered her to be cut off from phone contact. During these 50 days, she has only been granted a single cabin visit at the end of September.

Monday, September 30, 2024

 IRAN NEWS))))))

On Tuesday, September 24, thousands of Iranian-Americans and supporters of the Iranian Resistance gathered in New York to protest the presence of the Iranian regime President Masoud Pezeshkian at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The demonstration, widely covered by several media outlets in USA and international media, drew a diverse crowd of all ages, condemning the regime’s human rights abuses and oppressive policies. The rally, held in tandem with speeches by global leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden and UN Secretary-General António Guterres, was a powerful display of opposition to the Iranian regime. Protesters held banners and placards, voicing their demand for an end to the theocratic rule in Iran.

The killing of Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah, along with a senior commander of Iran’s Quds Force and several other militia leaders tied to Tehran, has sparked a wave of official statements from Iran’s ruling figures, once again shedding light on the regime’s internal dynamics and unified stance on regional conflicts. Despite internal rivalries and competing claims of moderation, every major political faction in Iran came together to express their unwavering support for Hezbollah and what they call the “Axis of Resistance.” 
Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, increasingly cautious in his public remarks, addressed the nation through state television, stating, “The Zionist criminals should know that they are far too small to cause significant harm to Hezbollah’s solid structure. All the forces of resistance in the region stand alongside Hezbollah and support it. The destiny of this region will be determined by the resistance forces, led by Hezbollah with pride.”
 On the other hand, during a public session on September 29, Mohammad Manan Raisi, a member of Iran’s parliament, openly criticized this inaction, suggesting it has severely damaged morale within the regime. “More than two months have passed since the Supreme Leader’s call for blood vengeance for martyr Haniyeh, and we still haven’t seen any effective movement,” Raisi lamented. He warned that this lack of response has “melted public trust in the regime both inside the country and across the Islamic world.”


Sarvnaz Ahmadi, who holds a master’s degree in social work from the University of Rehabilitation Sciences in Velenjak in Iran and political prisoner suffers from a neurological condition, recently experienced another severe nervous attack. Despite her deteriorating physical health, she has continued her medication strike. This strike has caused her to suffer from persistent headaches, insomnia, and severe muscle spasms. On the seventeenth day of her strike, she remains defiant, refusing both her regular medication and sedatives. As a result, she is enduring chronic pain, and the recurrence of her nervous attacks is a looming threat. Sarvnaz Ahmadi was arrested during the nationwide protests in 2022. After a period of detention, she was released on bail but was re-arrested on April 27, 2023, at the home of teacher activist Mohammad Habibi. Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court sentenced her to five years in prison for “collusion and assembly against national security” and an additional year for “propaganda against the regime.” This sentence was later reduced to 3.5 years by Branch 36 of the Tehran Court of Appeals.


The Iranian regime’s Guardian Council finally confirmed the Hijab and Chastity bill on September 18. The controversial Hijab and Chastity bill is now ready to be implemented, marking a decisive step in the government’s efforts to tighten women’s dress code controls. The chair of the Judicial and Legal Committee of the mullahs’ parliament, Mousa Ghazanfarabadi, emphasized the bill’s importance and urged all government bodies to cooperate in its enforcement. One of the key changes that stands out is the substantial increase in fines for those violating the law. Fines will now be significantly higher, following government approval of raised penalties. The scope of the Hijab and Chastity bill also extends to private individuals and vehicles, which has raised concerns about personal privacy and autonomy.

Monday, September 23, 2024


In the early hours the publication of heartbreaking and catastrophic news made the hearts of our compatriots hurt: the explosion in the Tabas coal mine. Mohammad Ali Akhundi, Director General of Crisis Management of South Khorasan Governorate, stated the cause of this incident - which happened at 2100 hours on Saturday night, 21st of Sept. - as "sudden release of methane gas in one of the tunnels" and said: "The concentration of gas in the tunnels caused an explosion in the depth 250 meters vertically and 700 meters diagonally have been mined. (Hamshahri online. Sept. 21, 2024)According to the news, more than 50 hardworking workers of this mine died in a psychological and oppressive manner and 22 of them were injured. The cause of their death was suffocation due to the concentration of methane gas. The reaction of the Minister of Industry, Mines and Medical Trade, according to the usual routine in this regime, is to address this national tragedy with well-known and uncharacteristic phrases to ignore the main cause; Like: "The full expert report of the dimensions of the incident will be presented to the public!" Or the work of the private company that is in charge of this coal mine is under investigation!"


On Sept. 16, Yalda Rahimi, a 17-year-old girl from Bagh-e Malek, a town in Khuzestan Province in Iran, ended her life due to severe poverty and lack of social welfare. On the day of her death, Yalda Rahimi had visited the Khomeini Relief Foundation seeking assistance just before the school year was set to begin. After her request was denied, she chose to take her own life in the bathroom of the relief office. Her father had committed suicide by hanging several years earlier, leaving Yalda to live with her grandfather.

On Monday, September 16, Branch 26 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court issued severe sentences for seven political prisoners. Among them, Nasim Gholami Simiyari has been sentenced to six years, 74 lashes, and 20 years of exile to Anguran in Zanjan Province in Iran. The court emphasized that her exile should be carried out so that she is not permitted to interact with others. She is currently incarcerated in the women’s ward of Evin Prison, having spent nearly 490 days in detention. The other 6 individuls include Hamidreza Soheil-Abadi, Amin Sokhanvar, Ehsan Ravazjiyan, Ali Herati Mokhtari, Hossein Mohammad Hosseini, and Amir Shah-Velayati.

Zeinab Jalalian, a political prisoner in Iran, who's been in prison for 17 years without a day of leave, has been suffering from severe health issues due to the intense physical torture she endured during and after her arrest. Her ailments include vision impairment, pterygium (a growth in the eye), asthma, kidney issues, and gastrointestinal disorders. Over the years, her condition has worsened due to the authorities’ neglect of her medical needs. Zeinab is sentenced to life in prison.