International Workers' Day
Wed. May first- International Workers' Day - is a celebration of the international labour movement.
May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries and celebrated
unofficially in many other countries. IWD is the commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago where the police
opened fire on a public assembly during a general strike for the eight-hour
workday, killing and injuring dozens of demonstrators. Although
celebrations by worker's activists occur on May 1 around the world, in Canada , the government of
Prime Minister John Sparrow David Thompson in 1894 declared the first Monday in
September as Canada 's official Labour Day.
May Day, however, remains an important
day of trade-union and community group protest in the province of Quebec .
As people celebrate
the achievements of May Day around the world, in Iran workers still demand
their wages to be paid on time and the harassment to be stopped. Every year
worker's condition deteriorates in Iran , and by more protests
and strikes by workers are held, there are more arrests and suppression. This
year the workers who are feeling the high prices of food and shelter and are
facing more harsh times to come, protesting ahead of May Day and their
activities are more noticeable then ever. Some may believe that the
international sanctions are to blame for the deplorable economic situation in Iran . This is not the case.
The Iranian regime spends most of the country's oil and other natural resources
to fuel its oppression machine and its which has been running for the past 35 years not to mention its nuclear program which has crippled Iran's economy.
Toppling the regime is the key to all of the miseries that the Iranian people
are enduring. Freedom and democracy's the answer.