7 more
executions, including two women, in Kermanshah and Urumieh

Villagers attack regime forces over boundary changes

A number of protesters and security forces were injured in clashes over provincial and county boundary changes.
Intensifying pressures on female PMOI sympathizers and Liberty residents’
relatives in prisons

-. Zahra Mansouri, who is 60 years old, is a relative of one of
- Motahhareh Bahrami (Simin Daneshpour) is suffering various illnesses including severe disc Prolapse. Although the doctor in prison had diagnosed her condition to be critical, Jaafarabadi, regime’s prosecutor, prevented her from being transferred to hospital to receive necessary treatment.
Motahhareh Bahrami with her husband Mohsen Daneshpour who is 70 years old, and their son Ahmad, 40, were arrested in December 2009 for having visited their relatives in Ashraf and were charged with ‘Moharebeh’ (enmity against God). Motahhareh Bahrami was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment; Mohsen and Ahmad were sentenced to death.
- Seddigheh Moradi, who suffers neck disc prolapse due to tortures and prison conditions, is denied treatment leaving her in harsh condition in prison. Moradi was a former political prisoner in the 80s for supporting PMOI. She was rearrested in

Their vehicles may also been impounded for ’unchaste behaviour’ or ’noise pollution’. Hossein Rahimi said the clampdown was part of a ’moral security plan’ and at ’controlling and monitoring vehicles and the youth’. But all measures point to crush any anti-regime protests during the forthcoming June presidential election. The Iranian regime also has confiscated 16,800 private satellite dishes in Zanjan province alone in the past year, according to the province’s deputy commander of the State Security Forces. Any connection to the outside world is crushed by the Iranian regime especially if people watch or donate to
In another news the Iranian regime’s armed forces are on
high alert to crush any public protests during this June’s presidential
election, the head of the regime’s armed forces has warned. Armed forces chief
Seyed Hassan Firouz-Abadi has told the state-run Mehr news agency that "Our
armed forces are completely ready to confront any kind of possible sedition and
evil in the forthcoming elections".
Iraqis rally and chant “Viva Free Army, Army of Dignity and Honour”

These demonstrations are dubbed “Burning Demands” Friday and protesters were chanting long live Free Army and the army of dignity and honour.
The Ramadi Friday demonstration speaker said, “To you, Iraqi Shiites, do not abandon your people in the hands of
In the Ramadi demonstration a placard read: “
On April 23, the peaceful demonstration of Iraqi
people in Huwayja were attacked by Iraqi forces, killing and injuring more than
200. Ever since Tuesday there's been clashes between Iraqi people and Maliki's
forces. According to the Kuwait daily on April 27, Al Seyassah published a report on
the developments in Iraq entitled terrorist attacks against Sunni mosques and
the formation of the ‘Dignity Army’. In this report a large picture was also
published showing Iraqi demonstrators setting fire to images of Khamenei,
Ahmadinejad and the Iranian regime's flag.
Based on the Iranian resistance intelligence from inside
Iranian regime's Revolutionary Guards statement on April 26, the terrorist Quds Force has tasked its operating
groups and terrorist squads to target Sunnis’ mosques and gatherings as well as
anti-government sit-ins and demonstrations in Baghdad and other provinces by
car bombs, IEDs and mortars.
Recent days’ explosions near some mosques and gathering centers in Ameriya and Ghazaliya neighbourhoods inBaghdad had been organized by groups affiliated to the Quds
Force. According to this Force’s directive, in places where it is difficult to
plant bombs at the specified target, it should be planted at any location as
close as possible.
Mosques and gathering places for protesters at al-Jame’eh square, Taji, Rashediya and Ameriya inBaghdad are among next targets.
Recent days’ explosions near some mosques and gathering centers in Ameriya and Ghazaliya neighbourhoods in
Mosques and gathering places for protesters at al-Jame’eh square, Taji, Rashediya and Ameriya in