Monday, March 31, 2014


The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on March 29th called on all international bodies and human rights organizations, especially the Special Rapporteur on execution and the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, as well as the bodies defending women’s rights to take urgent action to have the death sentence of Ms. Rayhaneh Jabbari, 26, revoked.
 Rayhaneh Jabbari, a decorator, has been in prison since 2007 when she used a weapon to defend herself against an intelligence agent. In a deceptive scheme, this intelligence agent intended to rape Rayhaneh which forced her into self defence mode. The scuffle led to the murder of this agent. The clerical regime have placed Rayhaneh under tortures in order to extract forced confession from her.
Ms. Sarvenaz Chitsaz, Chair of the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance, stated that the Iranian young women and girls who suffer of an institutionalized discrimination and a twofold oppression are no where safe from the evil of the heinous mullahs and the intelligence operatives and regime’s agents. Approval of the death sentence for this young woman is to intensify the atmosphere of terror in the society and in particular to frighten girls and women who intent not to succumb to the heinous acts and the oppression by this anti-human and misogynic regime in any way possible.

UN’s Iran rights envoy sees mission extended
The UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution on Friday, March 28th, extending the mission of Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran.
This resolution has once again called on the Iranian regime to cooperate with the UN Special Rapporteur and allow him to visit
Based on this resolution the Special Rapporteur on
Iran will be missioned to report the status of human rights in Iran in the next UN Human Rights Council session and the General Assembly of this organization.
Ahmed Shaheed was appointed as the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in
Iran three years ago and each year his mission has been extended.
The Iranian regime is very angry over Ahmed Shaheed’s reports that show various human rights violations in
Iran and it is thus unwilling to cooperate in anyway with him and has refused Mr. Shaheed's entry to Iran.

Iran: rally outside Mazandaran governorate protesting mullahs’ TV show
A group of Mazandaran Province residents in northern Iran held a rally outside the regime’s governor office protesting the broadcasting of a Television Series called “Capital 3”. They are demanding this broadcasting to be brought to an end.
According to
Iran’s state-run Mehr news agency reporting on March 27th, this group of people were protesting Thursday and criticizing the airing of this TV show, the language used in it, and the wrong depiction of the Mazandaran people’s customs and traditions.
In February Iran's Bakhtiaris were outraged when another TV series aired on Television and insulted the Bakhtiaris.

Iran: protest organizers arrested
The Iranian regime’s intelligence and security forces arrested 10 organizers of rallies protesting the transfer of the water of Ahvaz’s Karoon River.
Reports obtained by the Iranian resistance indicate the regime's agents have threatened these individuals with serious action if their rallies continue.

U.N. warns of increasing militant links between Iraq, Syria

Reuters - The United Nations on Thursday warned about Islamist militant networks increasingly forging links across the border of Syria and Iraq, which is fueling sectarian tensions in a region that has suffered from years of bloodshed, Reuters reported on Thursday, March 27th.
Violence in
Iraq reached new highs in 2013, when nearly 8,000 civilians were killed. Its political elite remains deeply divided along sectarian lines, as it has been since after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq 11 years ago this month.
'The ongoing conflict in Syria has added a regional dimension to sectarian tensions and is affording terrorist networks the occasion to forge links across the border and expand their support base,' U.N. special envoy to Iraq Nickolay Mladenov told the 15-nation Security Council.
He said that the combination of a divided leadership in Iraq, unresolved constitutional issues between communities and the growing militant threat coming from Syria have created a situation that is 'fragile and explosive.'
Mladenov said the only way Iraqis can stop the violence is through a political process that will bridge differences, increase development and make the government more inclusive.
'You cannot resolve the problem of violence of terrorism simply by security measures,' he said. 'You need to look at the inclusion of communities and decision making. You need to look at the economic development and the protection of human rights, the rule of law.'
But Mladenov was not optimistic. 'The signs are not promising for an early resolution of the crisis,' he added.